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Europeans can breathe easier after MEPs vote for cleaner shipping fuel

New law confirms that a global limit of 0.5% agreed Environmental groups have today welcomed a European Parliament vote which will help cut back air pollution by significantly decreasing the amount of dirty sulphur allowed in marine fuels. The Directive on Sulphur in Marine Fuels which was tentatively agreed upon before the summer break by the European Parliament negotiators, the Commission and the Council, has just been formally adopted by an overwhelming majority of MEPs.The new law confirms that a global limit of 0.5% agreed in the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) will apply in all EU seas by 2020. This represents a whopping 85% cut compared with today's 3.5% limit. Until this new agreement some uncertainty remained over the entry-into-force date of the IMO global standard in Europe. But the EU has now sent a clear signal that it wants cleaner fuels earlier rather than later while still leaving a very generous eight years for the industry to adapt.It also confirmed an even stricter sulphur limit of 0.1% for 2015 which applies to so-called Sulphur Emissions Control Areas (SECAs) in the Baltic Sea, the North Sea and the English Channel.Green groups welcomed the adoption of the new law as a ...

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Entry into force of MLC 2006 brings EU law into force

MLC ratification has reached 30 signatures and 33% of the world's fleet tonnage so far Following the ratifications by Russia and the Philippines in August, the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC 2006) has now reached the required threshold (30 signatures and 33% of the world's fleet tonnage) and will enter into force in August 2013.As the European Union regulates matters related to labour standards in its Member States, the entry into force of the MLC will also affect the EU's maritime labour legislation.To recall, the MLC is implemented at EU level through Council Directive 2009/13/EC, which implements an agreement concluded by the European Community Shipowners' Associations (ECSA) and the European Transport Workers' Federation (ETF) on the Maritime Labour Convention. The agreement, and the implementing Council Directive, introduce the provisions laid out by the MLC into EU law. Significantly, Council Directive 2009/13/EC will enter into force on the date of entry into force of the MLC.In addition, the EU is working on two separate legislative proposals on the enforcement of the MLC. With these proposals, the European Commission seeks to lay down the responsibilities of Flag States and Port States with regard to the application of the MLC standards on board ships ...

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EU anti-piracy fight with warships must go on

EU Committee urged more aid for Somalia The European Union should continue to use warships to tackle pirates off the coast of Somalia following a reduction in the rate of kidnappings, a parliamentary committee has said.Operation Atalanta, which also involves putting armed guards on ships, has been in place since 2008.The Lords EU Committee said hostage-taking had more than halved in the last year and said funding should go beyond a planned cut-off at the end of 2014.It also urged more aid for Somalia.Kidnappings involving shipping travelling past the coast of the east African country - which has not had a stable government since 1991 - have become rife in recent years.One of the highest-profile cases was that of British couple Paul and Rachel Chandler, who were taken hostage for more than a year after being held while on a round-the-world sailing trip.'Not invulnerable' In 2008 the EU set up Operation Atalanta, its first naval task force, to try to defeat the problem. Pirate ships have been attacked, with armed guards being placed on commercial vessels to deter hostage-taking.In April, the EU expanded the remit to include assaults on pirates' land bases, with a well-known lair near the port of ...

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