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Safety4Sea Energy Efficiency – Cpt.Stephen Bligh (Session 2)

Energy Efficiency and Triple E Cpt. Stephen Bligh, Director, Business Development Maritime Advisory Services, DNV is giving a presentation regarding Energy Efficiency issues in terms of Operational Measures and also presents the DNV Triple E certification scheme for ship operators.The Safety4Sea Energy Efficiency Forum, a PRO BONO event, successfully completed on 8th of March 2012 in Athens, covering a wide range of Technical, Operational and Market Based Issues regarding Energy Efficiency in Shipping.The event has been well attended by over 250 delegates at the venue representing more than 140 companies. The event organized by IBS Marine Consulting Group and sponsored by MARORKA, Dorian Hellas and Transmar Shipping.For more information about the Forum visithttp://www.safety4sea.com/forum/3For more information about Safety4Sea visit the official site http://www.safety4sea.com

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IMO: MEPC 63 Outcome

IMO adopts important guidelines to support implementation of mandatory energy efficiency measures An important series of guidelines to support the uniform implementation of mandatory measures to increase energy efficiency and reduce emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) from international shipping was adopted by the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), when it met for its 63rd session from 27 February to 2 March 2012, at IMO Headquarters in London, paving the way for the regulations to be smoothly and uniformly implemented by Administrations and industry.The MEPC also continued its intensive discussion on market-based measures for greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping. During the busy session, the MEPC also adopted amendments to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) relating to regional arrangements for port reception facilities; and adopted guidelines related to the implementation of the revised MARPOL Annex V (Garbage) and the Hong Kong Convention for the recycling of ships.The MEPC also granted basic and final approval to a number of ballast water management systems that make use of active substances.Guidelines for implementation of energy efficiency measures adoptedThe MEPC adopted four sets of guidelines intended to assist in the implementation of the ...

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EEDI Unsuitable for Existing Ships

ICS has confirmed its opposition to the application of the EEDI to existing ships ICS has reviewed its position with respect to progress being made at IMO on further measures to reduce CO2 emissions from international shipping, including refinements to the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI), discussed by IMO in January, having been adopted as part of the ground breaking international agreement reached at IMO in July 2011 and which will apply to new ships from 2013.ICS has also reviewed the operational and technical measures now being taken by existing ships, in support of the industry's target of improving efficiency per tonne/km by 20% by 2020.With respect to the EEDI, ICS has confirmed its opposition to the application of the EEDI to existing ships. This is not what the EEDI was developed for, and the goals set by IMO for the design of new ships, and the complex formulae developed for them, are completely inappropriate for the existing fleet.ICS will be making the industry's considered view on this clear at the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee in March. The position is reinforced by a joint statement recently made by the Round Table of international shipping associations.Source: ISF/ICS

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Up to 27% reduction in CO2 emissions: Hapag-Lloyd a trailblazer for the new EEDI

The Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) is determined using a fixed formula In February, Hapag-Lloyd became the first shipping company in the world to have its entire own-managed fleet certified in accordance with the IMO's Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI). The independent certification was carried out by Germanischer Lloyd and shows that many vessels in the Hapag-Lloyd fleet have an EEDI that is between 20 and 27% better than the average figure for the active global fleet in their respective classes. This means that these vessels emit significantly less CO2 than the average of the world fleet. These outstanding results do not even include the De-rating that has already been carried out on the majority of Hapag-Lloyd ships.The Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) is determined using a fixed formula and shows the CO2 emissions of a cargo vessel in grams per tonne transported and sea mile travelled. EEDI was developed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the shipping branch of the United Nations, in order to establish a standard benchmark for the energy efficiency and environmental impact of cargo vessels (container ships, bulkers, tankers, etc.). As with cars, household appliances or light bulbs, the aim is to help ships with ...

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Round Table associations believe the timing is not right for an MBM

Round Table associations positions on GHG+MBMs As it issues its latest position paper on greenhouse gases from ships and market-based measures (attached below), the Round Table of international shipping associations (RT) is of the view that Market Based Measures (MBMs) are not justified at this particular time.The RT fully supports the adoption at IMO of mandatory Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) for new ships and the Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) for all ships. It is convinced that the SEEMP will allow shipowners to better gauge their energy consumption and thereby enhance existing operational efficiency, since fuel is the single highest operational cost factor and this fact alone has already induced ship-owners to become more energy efficient.In the event that Market Based Measures (MBMs) are eventually introduced to shipping by IMO, these should apply globally and should completely address the nine principles adopted by IMO, it says.If ultimately it is found that technical and operational measures cannot wholly meet the agreed reduction targets, then any funds generated by means of a globally applied MBM for shipping must be controlled by IMO, says the RT, and, in large part, be disbursed to support further technological development focused on energy efficiency ...

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Round Table associations recommend against the application of EEDI to existing ships

EEDI formula in its present form is not supposed to be applicable to all ships The Round Table of international shipping associations (RT) supports the adoption of the new energy efficiency regulations for ships by the IMO in July 2011, which demonstrated the effective role of IMO in regulating worldwide shipping CO2 emissions. The measures include the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) for new ships and the Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) for all ships in service.The EEDI formula in its present form is, however, not supposed to be applicable to all ships. Indeed, it is explicitly recognised that it is not suitable for all ship types (particularly those not designed to transport cargo) nor for all types of propulsion systems.Parallel to the regulatory developments at IMO, a number of initiatives are seeking to apply the EEDI formula also to existing ships, using speculative data to establish the values. The RT strongly recommends against the application of EEDI to existing ships, as the values generated by such application can be misleading and can create unintended consequences. The focus for ships in service is - and should continue to be - on operational and commercial efficiencies.The EEDI separates the technical ...

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ICS Board meets in London

Discussing current security and environmental issues The Board of Directors of the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), whose member national shipowners' associations represent all sectors and trades and more than 80% of the world merchant fleet, met in London on 6 February.PiracyICS members reviewed the continuing threat to shipping from Somali pirates in the Indian Ocean. Noting that the capability of Somali pirates is actually higher than it has ever been, ICS believes that effective compliance with Best Management Practices by shipping, and sustained military intervention with a more aggressive stance, has reduced the pirates' rate of success. However, the current situation remains totally unacceptable, with about 200 seafarers still being held hostage in the most appalling conditions, with thousands more still having to transit the danger area in constant fear of their lives.ICS national associations agreed to work to ensure that the problem of piracy retains sufficient political and public attention so that the crisis might be properly and decisively addressed during the year ahead.ICS Chairman, Spyros M Polemis explained:"Recent press reports might give the impression that the level of piracy off Somalia is decreasing. However, most ship operators will be aware that this is not an accurate representation ...

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Safety4Sea Energy Efficiency Survey : Your opinion matters!

Learn how to participate at Safety4Sea's new survey Welcome to our Energy Efficiency Survey !Energy Efficiency is considered a key issue for the industry at the moment.The momentum is critical. We have a set of measures adopted by IMO back on July 2011 due for implementation by 1/1/2013 and there is an ongoing debate at IMO/EU/UNFCCC level on the extend and details of a set of market based measures to be implemented.We would like you to share your thoughts with us and make your opinion to be heard loud and clear to within the industry. We feel that by enhancing communication between stakeholders in the market the progress towards sustainable shipping.We will have the survey up and running for the next months through:E-mailsFaxesDedicated Survey section at the Safety4Sea.comResult of the survey will be analysed and communicated/posted tosafety4sea.comAll industry round table associations for their review and perusal on completion of the surveyForthcoming Safety4Sea Forum, scheduled for March and October in AthensAppreciate to take less than five (5) minutes of your time to have your thoughts voiced over accordingly.You may participate to this survey by:Completing and returning subject questionnaire by Fax at +30 210 4520182Completing and returning subject questionnaire by e-mail Click ...

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DNV: Impact of EEDI and SEEMP

EEDI will gradually reduce the emissions from the world fleet The results from the study show that, as new ships are built, the EEDI will gradually reduce the emissions from the world fleet by 3% in 2020, 13% in 2030 and 30% in 2050. The SEEMP will not directly mandate an emission reduction but, due to increased awareness of costs and reduction potentials, the study estimated the reduction to be 5-10% from 2015 onwards.EFFECT OF A SHIP ENERGY EFFICIENCY MANAGEMENT PLAN (SEEMP)The EEDI will mandate improvements in hull design and machinery, while the SEEMP will require ship owners to develop a plan for their ships. Operational measures have significant reduction potentials that, based on current fuel prices, are cost-effective. However, there seems to be limited uptake of these measures caused by non-financial barriers, such as lack of competence, lack of cooperation between players and split incentives. Higher fuel prices will only lead to a limited extra implementation of measures, but over time they will drive technology development and innovation.Other incentives will have to be in place to implement the existing set of measures. The SEEMP will initiate monitoring and target setting as well as the examination of concrete measures to ...

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MARIN Develops Green Shipping Simulator for UK Dredging Fleet

The simulator is made in the form of a game In the light of the upcoming EEOI, high fuel costs, levy's on CO2 emissions and economical difficult times, efficient ship operation has become high priority. The most straightforward way to save fuel is to operate a ship in the most efficient way, by careful voyage planning and efficient ship operation by the crew.For many ships, the quality of the voyage planning depends on the experience of the captain and its specific knowledge of his ship. With crew changing vessels more frequently and officers obtaining their master license at younger ages, knowledge how to operate a ship most efficient may get lost or requires a long time to obtain. Moreover, in economic difficult times, the cost / benefit relationship changes, requiring a difficult attitude towards ship operation. Simulator trainingThe normal way to inform, or train the crew for more efficient operation, is by written reports or tasks. A more intuitive way to give officers a 'green state of mind' is by training the crew in a simple simulator, so that the effect of different actions and operating styles can be compared. Especially for younger officers, that have been brought up with ...

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