Environmental initiative underlines Liberia’s green credentials
The Liberian Registry recently entered into a partnership with USbased consultancy EfficientShip Finance (ESF) to reduce global carbon emissions, enhance fleet efficiency and competitiveness, and promote a greener Liberian fleet. In addition, each ship in the programme will be entitled to a 50 per cent annual tonnage tax discount in the first year, and up to a 25 per cent discount in both the second and third years. ESF’s partnership with LISCR offers a complete turnkey energy-saving solution for ships on a global basis with an add-on specifically crafted for Emissions Control Areas (ECAs). ESF will provide the financial capital needed for each project, and assume responsibility for technology performance and fuel volatility risk, along with the technical supervision and monitoring to perform retrofits. Owners and operators remit to ESF a proportion of the amount they save on fuel costs, or which they receive in the form of additional negotiated hire. The ESF global programme includes an optimal mix of fuel efficiency retrofit solutions for each target vessel, based on its trading pattern, age, size, speed, and consumption. For ships trading within ECA zones, the programme may include the installation of exhaust scrubber systems or the conversion of engines ...
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