Tag: Denmark

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Arctic strategy seeks balance between resources and environment

Denmark would turn North Pole into a nature reserve if granted the territory Foreign minister pledges Denmark would turn North Pole into a nature reserve if granted the territoryDenmark will make a claim for the North Pole and seek to exploit mineral and fossil fuel reserves in its Arctic territory, the Foreign Ministry revealed this week as it published the Kingdom of Denmark's nine-year Arctic strategy.But while the foreign minister, Lene Espersen, stated in an interview that Denmark would set aside the North Pole as a nature reserve, the claim was absent from the report.The 'Strategy for the Arctic 2011-2020' outlines how the Kingdom of Denmark (Denmark, Greenland and the Faroe Islands) will deal with oil and gas exploitation and trade opportunities, as well as security issues, created by receding sea ice."We must do everything in our power to confront and adapt to these challenges and seize the opportunities in a resourceful and productive manner," Espersen said."The region will undergo profound changes due to global warming in the short term, and these changes are forcing us to act now."Espersen was upfront about Denmark's willingness to exploit the potential natural resources in the Arctic, stating that the country was prepared to ...

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Denmark ratifies the Maritime Labour Convention

It reflects the long standing attachment to ILO principles The Director of the International Labour Standards Department, Ms Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry, received today the instrument of ratification of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006) from Ambassador Steffen Smidt, Permanent representative of Denmark to the United Nations. Denmark becomes the third EU member state, after Spain and Bulgaria, to ratify the landmark Maritime Labour Convention, 2006.In receiving the instrument of ratification, Ms Doumbia-Henry stated: "The ratification of the MLC, 2006, by Denmark reflect the country's long standing attachment to ILO's principles and values and its commitment to secure decent working and living conditions for the seafarers employed on board its ships. In ratifying the MLC, 2006, Denmark becomes the third EU member State to implement the EU Council Decision of 2007 authorizing member States to ratify the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 in the interest of the European Community. This ratification sends a strong message to the remaining 24 EU members to come on board to enable the world's seafarers to benefit from this Bill of Rights and shipowners from a level-playing field."In depositing the instrument, Ambassador Steffen Smidt stated: "Decent working conditions for seafarers and fair competition for shipowners are very ...

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Countries around the world and organizations make joint efforts to fight piracy

Combating piracy is a complex task Maritime piracy cant be condemned too strongly. It is a breach to the most fundamental principles of modern civilization. In the worst-hit areas off the Horn of Africa, no seafarers whether on merchant ships or even yachts can be safe at sea.Today more than 600 seafarers are being kept hostage by Somali pirates. They are all innocent victims of the unscrupulous hijackers operating at sea off the Horn of Africa and in the Indian Ocean. Their families are afraid that they will never see their beloved ones again.Piracy is unacceptable by all humanitarian, security and legal standards. Besides this, it has an impact on global trade. Though it is difficult to calculate, experts estimate the total cost of piracy to be about $16 billion in 2010 alone.From 2007 to 2010 the number of attacks and hijackings by pirates at sea has more than quadrupled. Russia recognizes that piracy is also a growing and a serious challenge to the security and business of its commercial fleet. In this context, Russias contribution of naval forces to the international anti-piracy efforts in the Gulf of Aden and off the Horn of Africa is very welcome.The deployment of ...

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Denmark comes to agreement with Seychelles for prosecution of pirates

New deal with island nation will help with the prosecution of pirates Denmark has reached an agreement with the Republic of Seychelles that the island nation will accept, jail and prosecute pirates captured by the warship Esbern Snare. Convicted pirates will thereafter be incarcerated in either of Somalia's autonomous regions, Somaliland or Puntland.The agreement, which was announced by the foreign minister and defense minister on Wednesday, is the latest development in Denmark's strategy to help fight piracy in the Somali basin and off the east coast of Africa.The Esbern Snare, Denmark's largest warship, has been actively patrolling the Horn of Africa for pirates as part of the Nato-coordinated anti-piracy action Operation Ocean Shield. The Esbern Snare is one of some 28 ships from several Nato countries involved in the effort.Until this week, the Esbern Snare had no recourse but to set the pirates it caught free on land, due to the lack of an international procedure for their prosecution."First and foremost we can make it more risky to be a pirate and that's something we are doing by, for example, creating an effective means for prosecution," foreign minister Lene Espersen said of the new agreement."The arrangement with the Seychelles ensures ...

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Fire aboard cargo ship at Denmark extinguished after 12 hours

Fire broke out for unknown reasons yet On May 30, 2011, a fire broke out in the scrap load aboard the "Rebecca Rausing" which could be extinguished only at 8.30 a.m. on May 31.Thick smoke had spread over Överby and Björndalen so that residents were asked to stay indoors and keep windows shut. The port crane could lift the scrap of the ship, which helped in extinguishing the fire raging in the cargo of scrap cars on board the vessel which was moored at Stallbacka harbour in Trollhättan.The fire broke out at 7.30 p.m. by yet unknown reasons. At 3 a.m. on May 31 the emergency services had the fire under control. However, the fire in the oily scrap metal flared up again in the morning, but at 8.30 a.m. the flames could finally be extinguished and damge assessment started.Source: Vesseltracker

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New ice patrol ship HMS Protector has made her debut in Portsmouth

In place of MV Polar Bear She arrived at her new home port few days ago after a quickfire refit in Denmark which saw some major changes completed in just ten days.That included the stripping down of the engine and gearbox, the moving of the flight deck from bridge roof to the stern (which took just three days) and the fitting of a state-of-the-art multibeam echo sounder survey system to the hull requiring the cutting of steel plates 4in thick.The work of navalising what was the MV Polarbjørn (Polar Bear) will continue in Portsmouth with the fitting of gun mountings, Navy communications kit and RN paraphernalia including a picture of the Queen, without which no wardroom would be complete.The exploration/research support ship was designed to operate in any waters, from the Antarctic (she is an icebreaker) to the tropics her last job was supporting BP oil operations in the Caribbean.She is on a three-year charter from a Norwegian commercial shipping company to cover for HMS Endurance, out of action since a flooding incident off Chile almost three years ago in which the Red Plum came close to foundering.Protector entered Portsmouth under the Norwegian flag, going alongside at the South West ...

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Arctic States signed agreement on cooperation in Maritime Search in the Arctic

It will strengthen cooperation between states in response to accidents On 12 May 2011, in Nuuk, Greenland, Foreign Ministers and leaders of the indigenous peoples of the Arctic Council met to set out future policy for the Arctic Council.Lene Espersen, Foreign Minister of Denmark and outgoing chair of the Arctic Council states- Denmark is very satisfied with the result of the ministerial meeting in Nuuk. The Search and Rescue Agreement is ground-breaking, as it is the first legally binding agreement negotiated under the auspices of the Arctic Council and an important step towards safe shipping in the Arctic.The Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt, incoming chair of the Arctic Council states- Arctic Countries need enhanced cooperation on many future challenges in the Arctic, not least prevention, preparedness and response to oil spills. As incoming chair we will press forward with this agenda.The Arctic Councilreleased a major study on environment that shows that climate change is having a more profound impact on the Arctic environment than previously understood. Substantial cuts in CO2 emissions and other greenhouse gases are the backbone of global climate change efforts.Another Arctic Council study shows that soot (black carbon), ground level ozone and methane may account for up ...

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