Tag: accident reports

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Tanzanian ferry accident death toll confirmed at 128

By the Zanzibar government Zanzibar government reported on Tuesday that a total of 128 people have been confirmed dead in Tanzania's ferry accident which occurred two weeks ago while 16 people are still unaccounted for.The office of Zanzibar's Second Vice President made the announcement two weeks after the ferry MV Stagit capsized while heading to Zanzibar from Dar es Salaam due to strong wind.The accident has prompted Zanzibar's government to delegate the Ministry of Finance, Economic and Development Planning to locate funds to buy a new passenger and cargo ship to minimize the potential risks of buying used ones.The captain and the owner of the ill-fated ferry have been charged before a local court shortly after the accident involving the ferry carrying 290 people including nine crew members.So far, 146 people have been rescued alive including 15 foreign tourists from the U.S., Belgium, Germany and Holland.Zanzibar's Minister of Infrastructure and Communication Hamad Msoud Hamad stepped down two days after the accident following the pressure from the MPs who blamed him for the two deadly accidents that occurred in less a year.Another ferry accident in September last year in the waters near northern Unguja killed over 200 passengers, including many children ...

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Videotel launches new training series

Accident prevention: dealing with the human factor Accident investigation is a painstaking and often painful process and, more often than not, the outcome is a raft of new policies and measures to avoid reoccurrence. Yet, if well thought out and established company procedures are followed in the first place, tragic consequences can be avoided.In response to the renewed focus on training in this area Videotel has launched a new training series, Leadership and Team Working Skills, which takes as its foundation the importance of good resource management and how it can be achieved."With continuing improvements in technology, human factors feature more and more frequently in the causal chain," explains Nigel Cleave, CEO of Videotel Marine International. "Forty years ago, the average cargo ship was manned by 40-50 crew - nowadays, even on VLCCs, we are seeing crews numbering in the low twenties. Individuals are required to operate ever more efficiently adding further pressure on board. This series addresses many of the key issues defined by the STCW and SOLAS conventions, which provide a framework for safe and effective working practices."Produced in conjunction with The Steamship Mutual Underwriting Association (Bermuda) Ltd Leadership and Team Working Skills is aimed at all sea-going ...

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