EU contributes with 21 million to the STM Validation Project
EU has decided to contribute with 21 million to the Sea Traffic Management Validation Project, a Motorways of the Sea project. Test beds in Northern Europe and Mediterranean Sea will engage 300 vessels, 10 ports of different sizes and 3 shore centres. These will validate the Sea Traffic Management (STM) concept and pave the way for smooth deployment of new collaborative services previously unknown to sea transport but existing for many years in other transport sectors.
STM will overcome many of the challenges of communication and information sharing between stakeholders in the maritime transport industry and create significant added value to, in particular, ship- and cargo-owners as well as ports.
The preceding MONALISA projects have brought advancements in technology and digital innovation to the maritime sector, a base for asustainableshipping industry, reducing the environmental impact while improving safetyand efficiency.
The STM Concept has been defined within the MONALISA 2.0 project. A technical protocol for route exchange has been developed and is in the phase of international standardization. This is a huge achievement and a pre-requisite for further development and deployment of Sea Traffic Management.
Europe has a leading position in traffic management solutions and e-Navigation globally. The potential to explore the benefits of STM and deploying STM Services are great, both for European industry and the whole global society.
“True demonstrations of the value of Sea Traffic Management services will help avoid setbacks in deployment and make industry and other important stakeholders engage fully”, says Magnus Sundström, Project Leader of the STM Validation Project.
MONALISA 2.0 is a European-wide Maritime project, including 39 partners from 10 countries. The partnership is a collaboration between the private, public and academic sectors and is co-financed by the European Union. The total project budget is EUR 24 million. The project was formally approved and signed on November 5, 2013 and will operate until the end of 2015. For more information on the project Also viewrelated video. |