The ReCAAP ISC issued an alert regarding the occurrence of incidents of sea robbery onboard barges towed by tug boats while underway in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore (SOMS) during 16-17 March 2025.
Three incidents of sea robbery were reported between 16–17 March 2025, onboard barges towed by tug boats while underway in the SOMS. Two incidents occurred onboard the same barge towed by the tug boat.
The first incident occurred on 16 March, while the tug boat and barge were underway at the eastern approaches to the SOMS, and the second incident occurred on 17 March while the tug boat and barge were in the precautionary area of Singapore Strait (SS). Both incidents occurred within an interval of 24 hours.
On 16 March there was another incident that occurred on a container barge towed by a tug boat while transiting in the westbound lane of the TSS. Some scrap metal was stolen in two incidents and a gangway was stolen in the other incident. The crew members were not injured in all the three incidents.
With these incidents, a total of 27 incidents were reported in the SOMS since January 2025. The locations of the incidents are indicated in the map attached. The ReCAAP ISC is concerned with the increasing number of incidents in SOMS compared to the corresponding period of 2024 (1 January – 19 March 2024), where nine incidents were reported.
The ReCAAP ISC urges the littoral States to increase patrols/surveillance in their respective waters, respond promptly to incidents reported by ships, strengthen coordination and promote information sharing on incidents and criminal groups involved to arrest the perpetrators.
Ships are advised to intensify vigilance and maintain sharp look-out while transiting the areas of concern, adopt preventive measures recommended in the Regional Guide 2 to Counter Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships in Asia, and report all incidents immediately using the ReCAAP ISC Mobile App to the nearest coastal State and flag State.
Location of Incidents in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore (1 January – 19 March 2025)
ReCAAP Focal Points during 1 January – 19 March 2025, reported to the ReCAAP ISC 27 incidents that occurred to ships while underway in the SOMS. The locations of the incidents are shown in the map below.