U.S. Senators Pete Ricketts and Amy Klobuchar have introduced the Renewable Fuel for Ocean-Going Vessels Act, a bill that would enable companies to retain Renewable Identification Number (RIN) credits under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) for biofuels used in ocean-going vessels.
The bill aims to expand the use of renewable diesel and biodiesel in the maritime industry, supporting U.S. energy independence, reducing emissions, and creating new market opportunities for American farmers. Currently, the RFS excludes fuels used in ocean-going vessels from refiners’ and blenders’ obligations, requiring them to retire RINs for biofuels used in ships operating in international waters.
This bill would change that by allowing biofuels for maritime use to generate and retain RINs, similar to heating oil and jet fuel. Supporters, including farm organizations and clean fuel advocates, emphasize that the legislation would unlock new markets for biofuels, reduce regulatory barriers, and help global shipping companies access cleaner fuels from U.S. producers.
“Expanding the use of biofuels like renewable diesel strengthens American energy independence, supports Nebraska agriculture, and reduces emissions,” said Senator Ricketts.“This bipartisan bill will deliver new market opportunities for Nebraska farmers who have played a crucial role creating a strong renewable diesel economy.”
“Domestically produced biofuel strengthens our energy independence, supports our farmers, and boosts rural economies,” said Senator Klobuchar. “This common sense legislation will expand markets for farmers and fuel producers by providing ocean-going vessels a lower carbon fuel.”