The ECOsubsea solution (also called the COLLECTOR)is a remotely operated vehicle which removes the need for divers and uses a newly-developed high pressure water cleaning principle called ‘soft jets’ to clean of marine fouling from vessels, which is gentler on the hull than alternative cleaning methods.
The process provides an accurate inspection of the hull condition and cleaning progress can be monitored by HD cameras. The result of this is that vessels travel with less friction through water and thereby reduce its use of fuel and emissions to air accordingly. Figures from research used by IMO states that a clean vessel would burn 9-12% less fuel than a fouled one.
The solution supports the following UN goals:
7. Clean energy: Biofouling from waste is used in biogas production, making green energy to households.
13. Climate action: Typically reduce 10% of CO” from cargo vessels.
14. Life below water: Eliminated Alien Invasive Species hitchhiking with biofouling on vessels (See interesting slide).
11. Sustainable cities: Cleaner energy for local households and reduction of Sox, Nox and PM which directly reduces the air quality and power supply to households nearby ports.
9. Industry and innovation: Sustainable innovation that is leading within its field.