The Port of Rotterdam is seeking to promote extraction of bleaching earth, which is likely the least known waste product in the Rotterdam port area. A multi-million Euro investment is expected to provide annual savings of a few million Euros yearly and the recovery of several tons of vegetable oil. This can be achieved through a new extraction installation.
Bleaching earth is a natural product taken from the ground and used for edible oils which have to be bleached.
Cargill, IOI Loders Croklaan, Neste and Olenex agreed to complete business case analysis and find a specialized partner to build and operate the plant. The parties signed a letter of intent to build a facility that extracts bleaching earth and draws out oil, which can be then commercialized.
The search for a company to operate and manage the plant, is supported by the Municipality of Rotterdam, the Port of Rotterdam and The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO), who support the recycling and reuse of scarce resources with knowledge and financial means. MVO, the Dutch Oils and Fats industry association, acts as a project leader in the search for a suitable operator.