A new LNG bunkering project, entitled ‘probunkers’, with the aim to contribute to the development of LNG marine infrastructure by providing premier and reliable LNG bunkering services, was introduced at Posidonia 2018 during an inaugural event on Tuesday 5th of June.
Probunker’s Board of Directors, Mr. Panos Yannoulis, President & Chairman, Mr. Costas Hassiotis, Executive Member, toghether with probunkers’ CEO, Alexander Prokopakis introduced the company through a corporate video and explained their ambitious plan for the development of LNG marine infrastructure.
Namely, probunkers project aims to promote investment opportunities in shipping and energy, the two fundamental and dynamic industries, for the design, build and operate of LNG bunkering vessels.
As explained, the project involves four stages (Planning, Financing, Implementation, Operations and Sales) and probunkers will have a three-tier role, as Physical supplier, LNG Trader/Seller and Barge owner and operator.
Mr. Alexander Prokopakis, probunkers’ CEO, presented briefly the action plan commenting that 2018 is expected to be ‘a landmark year for the expansion of LNG as a marine fuel into shipping’.
”We are determined to turn probunkers into a world-class investment opportunity and fulfill our vision to build a reliable global-scale LNG bunkering network” Mr. Prokopakis quoted.
The Greek-based company, probunkers Holding, follows a three-fold business model which includes investment, trading and finance elements. The multi-layer model involves operations, LNG buying and selling, logistics and marketing.