On Monday 3rd December 2012 Regs4ships Limited will be launching the sixteenth flag based productfor their Digital Maritime Regulations service.
The new Denmark flag product contains flag state and international legislation in a simple, user friendlyweb‐based solution, guaranteed to save customers’ time and money.
Digital Maritime Regulations provide a compliance solution to crews and shore personnel. Ourproduct contains all Danish flag state Acts, orders, regulations, circulars, guidance and notices, alongwith fully interlinked and keyword searchable copies of SOLAS, MARPOL and STCW from theInternational Maritime Organization (IMO).
Regs4ships also provides access to 15 additional conventions, 30 additional codes, over 1,200resolutions and 1,800 circulars from the IMO, alongside conventions, protocols and guidelines fromthe ILO and legislation from the EU.
For further information click at Regs4ships Digital Maritime Regulations
Source: Regs4ships