MPA Singapore announced it will carry out a hydrographic survey in Straits of Malacca and Singapore, aiming to improve navigation and smooth uninterrupted passage in the Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS) of the Straits of Malacca and Singapore.
Specifically, the survey period will be from the 23rd of April to the 5th August 2019, during daylight hours.
The hydrographic survey will be carried out by means of multi-beam echo sounder with line spacing of around 100m at 5 to 8 knots within the TSS, and no towing-vehicle will be towed behind.
This survey will be implemented with reciprocal operation even in eastward course or westward course in the TSS.
MPA advises mariners to navigate with caution and give a wide berth.
Additionally, navigational warning broadcast will be promulgated by the relevant VTS Authorities by VHF and NAVTEX. Mariners are to maintain a listening watch.
Concluding, for detailed information on the survey areas, click herebelow