‘Ebola – Staying Safe’ video explains the dangers of Ebola and its impact on ships and seafarers
KVH Industries, Inc. is offering Videotel’s new video about Ebola safety free to all mariners worldwide in an effort to increase awareness of the vitally important prevention measures that can keep seafarers safe.
KVH has created a website, www.kvh.com/EbolaSafety, for all mariners to download the free video and an accompanying workbook. In addition, KVH delivered the entire video program to its IP-MobileCastTM customers on vessels across the globe, who will automatically receive the video for immediate viewing on-board. “This is a perfect example of why it is sometimes necessary to send out urgent training updates without delay and not wait for the annual update process,” says Nigel Cleave, Videotel chief executive officer.
“The Ebola epidemic is a crisis of worldwide proportions and one where commercial ships and seafarers are at risk given the global nature of their jobs,” says Martin Kits van Heyningen, KVH chief executive officer. “Distributing the free video by digital means enables us to get the information to all mariners quickly, especially seafarers who may be in or near a port in the affected region, where it is unsafe to go ashore.”
“Ebola – Staying Safe” is a 15-minute training program produced by maritime e-Learning leader Videotel, a KVH company, in association with Steamship Mutual P&I Club and a panel of medical and subject matter experts. The video, which includes footage from West Africa and was produced in the last eight weeks to ensure the most up-to-date information, explains what Ebola is, what its symptoms are, and how the virus spreads. It outlines the ways in which crew members can protect themselves, and also what steps masters, ship owners, and ship managers can take to keep crew members safe from harm. |
“The Ebola training film covers matters of life and death, much like many of our other programs in our 900-course training library,” says Videotel’s Nigel Cleave. “It has to be accurate, engaging, and well designed from a didactic point of view so that mariners of all cultures and backgrounds understand it. Our ship owner and ship manager clients are facing Ebola-related decisions every day as their ships approach and leave affected ports and at Videotel our first instinct is to support them.”
Source & Image Credit: KVH