CASCADe projct – CyCladES project – Faros Project
The CASCADe Project
A new 3-year EU-funded project starting from January 2013, the CASCADe project aims to close the gap between thedesign of the bridge system and the bridge procedures themselves. The focus of thisproject is to optimize human-machine interfaces on the bridge. Studies have shownthat too much information on screens or having instruments with varied userinterfaces have led to numerous operator errors and poor decision-making by thecrew.
CASCADe is primarily about the human element on the bridge and how the entirebridge system of machines and humans can be seen as one co-operative element.The project uses safety-based scenarios to investigate bridge procedures. Potentialfailures due to human errors caused by loss of situational awareness, will beanalysed during the design phase of a bridge.The project develops an adaptive bridgesystem that will recognize, prevent and recover from human errors by increasingcooperation between all crew and machines on the bridge. The main outcome will bea new human-centered design methodology to support the analysis of agentinteractions at early development stages.
Under the coordination of OFFIS – Institute for Information Technology from Germanya consortium of seven project partners from five EU countries will collaborate, suchas the British Maritime Technology Group Ltd., Raytheon Anschuetz GmbH,Mastermind Shipmanagement Ltd., the University of Cardiff, Marimatech AS andSymbio Concepts & Products SPRL as well as four associated partners such as theMaritime Cluster Northern Germany, Nautilus International, NSB NiederelbeSchiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG and the University of Tasmania.
The results of the project will contribute to the improvement of safety of maritime transport through: (1) a new Adaptive Bridge System (ABS) that will recognise, prevent and recover from human errors by increasing cooperation between all crew and machines on the bridge and (2) a new human-centred design methodology supporting analysis of agent interaction at early development stages. |
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Video: An overview of the CASCADe project
CyClaDes Project
The CyClaDes project is designed to promote the increased impact of the human element in shipping across the design and operational lifecycle. The project brings together a multi-disciplinary team to focus on all the key steps in the lifecycle; the stakeholders; where the barriers to human element integration occur; and how to best locate, produce, disseminate, and apply human element knowledge within the overall context of shipping.
The advantage is realized by supporting the integration of the human element in the design and operational life-cycle from appreciation, to concept, to design, to application, to evaluation and approval, to maintenance. The outcome will directly address pressing needs identified in the shipping industry and specifically by this call.
The needs of specific stakeholders in the design and operation of ships and ship systems will be supported in the following ways: Designers:
Operators and maintainers:
End users:
Rule-makers and authorities:
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Faros Project
FAROSis an EC FP7 funded, three year project to develop an approach to incorporate human factors into Risk-Based Design of ships.The project consortium consists of 12 members including industry, academia and research institutes.
FAROS will use experimental data, simulations, parametric ship design models and optimisation processes to integrate human factors into the ship design process at a conceptual stage. This will include global and local ship design factors features.
This project builds on previous research and development of Risk-Based Design (RBD) for ships which began with SAFEDOR, and encompasses damage stability (GOALDS), fire safety (FIREPROOF), flooding control (FLOODSTAND) and environmental impact (FLAGSHIP).
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