The EU-funded SAFEMODE project highlights that safety forums as well as safety alliances can significantly contribute to general shipping safety and to safety culture in the industry as a whole.
Safety Forums
Inter-organisational groups, usually in one segment of an industry (e.g. oil industry, passenger ships, etc.) who get together periodically to discuss the key safety issues in their organizations, and to share best practices and lessons learned
- Marine Accident Investigators International Forum (MAIIF)
- Container Ship Safety Forum (CSSF)
- Marine Safety Forum
Safety Alliances
Alliances between a cluster of companies or organisations can be a powerful way to promote and enhance safety in key areas, especially when those companies put aside competition in certain areas in order to tackle key safety problems.
- Oil Companies’ International Maritime Forum (OCIMF)
- Together in Safety
- Human Element Industry Group
9 Golden Safety Rules for shipping
As part of the ‘Together in Safety’ alliance, major representatives from shipping agreed the following Safety Rules
#1 Enclosed Space Entry
Only enter an enclosed space if it has been ventilated and the atmosphere confirmed safe.
#2 Fall Prevention
Always protect yourself from failing when working at height or during personnel transfer.
#3 Invisible Hazards
Verify Isolation before working with stored energy and invisible hazards (e.g. Electrical; pressure).
#4 Working over water/ Access to vessels
When outside of ships rails always wear a Personal Flotation Device.
#5 Line of fire
Ensure yourself and others are positioned away from suspended loads, stored pressure, moving machinery and snap-back areas.
#6 Navigation
Obey the collision regulations, supplement nav aids with visual/manual checks plan and execute plan and avoid distractions and fatigue
#7 Lifeboats
Ensure own and others safety during maintenance and testing of lifeboats.
#8 Hotwork
Ensure spaces are free on flammable materials and gases before working where flame is used or sparks may be produced.
#9 Stop
Ensure all staff are empowered to STOP WORK and intervene where uncomfortable