Vassilios Demetriades

Vassilios Demetriades

Vassilios Demetriades is the Shipping Deputy Minister to the President since 10 July 2020. Prior to his appointment he served as a Policy Officer in the Directorate General of Mobility and Transport of the European Commission dealing with the coordination of the EU maritime transport strategy and EU's external maritime transport relations for 5 years. He was previously involved in the formulation of EU sustainable shipping initiatives. He has formerly served the Cyprus Public Administration as a Head of EU Affairs Unit at the Cypriot Ministry of Transport, Communications and Works dealing with the formulation of Cyprus' national position to the EU transport, telecommunications, shipping and integrated maritime policies as well as with the overall coordination of the Cyprus Presidency to the EU pertaining to these areas. He holds a BSc degree in Business Economics from Surrey University and an MSc degree in Management Science from the same university.

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Cyprus calls for a global vaccination program: Key actions to maintain momentum with seafarer vaccinations

In late April, ILO adopted Resolution concerning COVID-19 vaccination for seafarers, proposed by the Cyprus Shipping Deputy Ministry (SDM). Cyprus is now calling for a mapping exercise to identify the number of vaccines required for seafarers ashore at seafarer supplying countries. In this context, Mr Vassilios Demetriades, Cyprus Shipping Deputy Minister, talks about this new resolution and how Cyprus continues to push for safe crew changes and maintain momentum with seafarer vaccinations.

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