Antonios Georgantzis

Antonios Georgantzis

Naval Architect and Marine Engineer with 14 years international shipping experience working with ship design and construction management, gas and tanker ships operation and Classification Society. Significant project management experience and six years in high management. Extensive experience at the supervision of new building projects as well as technical management and operation of large LPG carriers and Tankers. Very good network with major new building and repair shipyards, equipment manufacturers, engineering companies and Classification Societies.

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BWMC implementation issues: A Ship Operator’s perspective

Mr. Antonios Georgantzis, Technical Manager, CMM, during his presentation at GREEN4SEA Conference, mentioned that the road to BWMC compliance requires careful planning: During the selection process, makers of BWTS shall be evaluated not only on the basis of pure technical criteria and system performance but also on their ability to provide on a global scale the needed resources and support.

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