Due to Ebola outbreak in West Africa
The Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) Maritime Administrator (the”Administrator”) has received notice from LB Chartering LLC that, as a result of severalmeetings held by the Argentinean pilotage chambers, members have decided not to onboard carriers proceeding from the West African countries of Liberia, Nigeria, Guinea and Sierra Leoneuntil they have obtained the free practique and clearance by the Argentinean Sanitary Authorities.
This decision was made after consideration of the West African Ebola epidemic, its presentstatus and development, and the lack of local protection measures.
In light of the above, the shipping agents pilotage requests must have attached the last four (4)ports/countries called by each carrier prior to entering the Argentinean territory.
Find information about the Ebola virus at articles below: Ebola virus Detection and Prevention Global shipping bodies issue Ebola virus advice UK P&I Club issues update on Ebola virus in West Africa Recommendations for ships re the current outbreak of the Ebola Virus |