The vital roles of business community in EU Ocean Blue Growth programs
Speaking at the opening day plenary of European Maritime Day, WOC CEO Paul Holthus stressed the importance of the private sector as a critical partner in EU maritime and ocean programs on science, policy, observations, technology, marine spatial planning, skills, innovation and other areas related to the Blue Economy.
Mr. Holthus highlighted the role of business in developing solutions to the challenges of responsible ocean economic development. He noted that cross-sectoral collaboration within the diverse ocean business community, as well as engaging with other stakeholders, is essential to addressing many of these challenges and securing the health of the ocean.
As an international, multi-industry alliance of ocean leadership companies, the WOC is a portal for facilitating industry participation in marine-related programs and projects of the EU and other government and inter-governmental bodies. For example, as a registered entity in Europe, the WOC is particularly well positioned to assist with industry involvement to shape the development and implementation of the proposed EU “Blue Economy Business and Science Forum”.
The WOC facilitates private sector involvement in ocean sustainability, science and stewardship through collaboration in specific projects, such as those being developed through Horizon 2020. The WOC also encourages involvement in regional level collaboration, such in sea-basin scale efforts in the Mediterranean, as well as in broader initiatives, such as EU-US-Canada collaboration under the trans-Atlantic Galway Statement.
International ocean business community coordination and cooperation is often essential to effectively tackling the many Blue Growth challenges that are multi-sectoral, regional or global in nature.
Source: World Ocean Council