The US Coast Guard announced that the calendar year 2019 minimum random drug testing rate is set at 50% of covered crewmembers. This rate is effective January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019.
USCG has increased the minimum random drug testing rate for 2019 due to the Drug and Alcohol Management Information System (MIS) data for the most recent reporting year indicating that the positive rate is greater than 1%.
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46 CFR part 16.230(f)(2) requires the Commandant to establish the minimum random drug testing rate at 50% when the positivity rate for drug use is greater than 1%.
The US Coast Guard also requires marine employers to set random drug testing programs for covered crewmembers according with the 46 CFR 16.230. Every marine employer is required by 46 CFR 16.500 to collect and maintain a record of drug testing data for each calendar year, and submit this data by March 15 of the following year to the US Coast Guard in an annual MIS report.
Each year, the US Coast Guard will publish a notice reporting the results of random drug testing for the previous calendar year’s MIS data and the minimum annual percentage rate for random drug testing for the next calendar year.
The purpose of the minimum random drug testing rate is to advance maritime safety by establishing an effective deterrent to drug misuse within the maritime workforce.
Intoxicated operations pose a serious threat to life, property and the environment in the maritime commons. As such, the minimum random drug testing rate is intended to deter and detect illegal drug misuse in the maritime industry
USCG said.