Deepwater Horizon is the largest oil spill in US history, happened on April 20, 2010
US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office of Inspector General (OIG) has issued the USCG’s Oversight of Recommendations from Deepwater Horizon After Action Reports (AARs). The report contains two recommendations aimed at improving the oversight and tracking of recommendation in oil spill after action reports and the resultant corrective actions.
The April 20, 2010, oil spill that followed the explosion of the Mobile Offshore DrillingUnit, Deepwater Horizon, was the largest in United States history. This spill was also thefirst Spill of National Significance-a spill so complex that it required extraordinarycoordination of Federal, State, local, and responsible party resources to contain andclean up the discharge.
As the lead Federal agency for oil spill or hazardous materialincidents in United States coastal waters, the United States Coast Guard (USCG) servedas the Federal On-Scene Coordinator for response to this oil spill. Seven after actionreports containing 549 recommendations were issued in the wake of this incident.
The objective was to determine whether the USCG’s oversight of recommendations made inDeepwater Horizon oil spill after action reports was effective for tracking correctiveactions. The OIG was unable to determine whether the recommendations have been addressed because of inconsistencies in the USCG process to track progress regarding the AARs.
More details may be found by reading the USCG’s Oversight of Recommendations from Deepwater Horizon After Action Reports