Tag: Zika virus

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Mosquitoes: practical guidance for seafarers

There is a series of mosquito borne and transferred diseases on board vessels. Examples of such diseases are malaria, yellow fever, dengue fever, Zika Virus, viral encephalitis.  If not properly controlled, such vectors could breed on ship and could certainly be carried by ship. Infection with above diseases during voyage represents a serious risk to seafarers’ health and life.

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IMCA focus on mosquito-borne diseases

IMCA has issued its latest Safety Flash with a focus on mosquito-borne diseases due to a recent fatality from malaria. The incident occurred offshore Ghana. A non-immune foreign national contractor presented himself to the offshore medic with flu-like symptoms. He tested negative for malaria twice via rapid diagnostic testing. He was sent ashore for further evaluation and subsequently died as a result of complications arising from malaria.

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