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USCG name-based terrorism check for security personnel

USCG name-based terrorism check for security personnel The US Coast Guard issued a revised Port Security Advisory regarding procedures for obtaining a name-based terrorism check for security personnel operating in high-risk waters (HRW) in accordance with PSA 05-09 (Rev 1). The only revision relates to an updated point of contact within the Coast Guard for submittal of security personnel information.You may view the revised Port Security Advisory.Source: US Coast Guard

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USCG requests feedback on fees related to the MARPOL Reception Facility Program

USCG requests feedback on fees related to the MARPOL Reception Facility Program Inspectors from U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) Sector Houston Facility met with officials from Intercontinental Terminals responsible for implementing their 33 CFR 158 Certificate of Adequacy (COA) (MARPOL Reception Facility Program).Discussions covered the process by which the facility implements their COA program. Intercontinental Terminals has a COA for Oil (Annex I), NLS (Annex II), and Garbage (Annex V) that expires on 7 November 2013 and the facility uses third parties to remove each of these wastes - solely using trucks.The USCG discussed the fees charged by the facility, and found that none were unreasonable or would cause a disincentive for ships requesting to depose of oil, NLS, or garbage waste. However the USCG is requesting feedback to validate this information.Source: US Coast Guard

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USCG updated advisory regarding piracy and armed robbery against ships

USCG updated advisory regarding piracy and armed robbery against ships The US Coast Guard issued an updated advisory relating to prevention and deterrence of piracy and armed robbery against ships. The advisory has been revised solely to reflect the latest release of MARSEC Directive 104-6 (series).Please refer to the full text of the Safety Advisory.Source: US Coast Guard

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USCG severe weather procedures for Aleutian Islands area

USCG severe weather procedures for Aleutian Islands area The US Coast Guard issued 2010-2011 Operating Procedures for Severe Weather in the Aleutian Islands and Pribilof Islands. These procedures automatically go into effect whenever severe weather occurs or is forecast to occur within 48 hours. Severe weather is defined as: (1) sustained winds that exceed 45 knots; (2) wind gusts that exceed 60 knots; (3) a "winter storm warning" issued by the National Weather Service; or (4) any combination of the above for any part of the Aleutian or Pribilof Islands.Source: US Coast Guard

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USCG lifesaving & firefighting equipment on UTVs

USCG lifesaving & firefighting equipment on UTVs The US Coast Guard issued a policy letter providing temporary exemptions from various regulatory requirements pertaining to uninspected towing vessels (UTVs) and providing guidance with regard to carriage of "excess" lifesaving and firefighting equipment on UTVs.This policy is temporary in nature and may be superseded for inspected towing vessels when pending regulations for the inspection of towing vessels become effective.You may view the policy letter by clicking here.Source: US Coast Guard

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USCG Personal Flotation Devices (PFDs) safety alert

Recent inspections of PFD revealed a hazard that may prevent donning in case of emergency The US Coast Guard issued a safety alert stating that recent inspections of Type I Personal Flotation Devices (PFDs), in both adult and child size, revealed a potential hazard that could prevent proper donning in the event of an emergency. The chest strap on certain PFDs was threaded through the fixed "D" ring that the strap was intended to clip to when worn. Instead of the strap falling away, allowing the wearer to wrap it around himself or herself, the clip end of the strap could snag in the "D" ring. The PFDs known to be affected are: Kent Adult Model 8830 (USCG Approval Number 160.055/184/0) in Lot 53W manufactured in October 2006 and Kent Child Model 8820 (USCG Approval Number 160.055/150/0) in Lot 012T manufactured in March 2008. Vessel owners and operators should examine their PFDs to determine whether any of them present this hazard. If so, the manufacturer should be contacted.Please refer to the full text of the Safety Alert.Source: US Coast Guard

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