Amendments related to carriage and testing of iron ore fines At the September 2013 session of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Dangerous Goods, Solid Bulk Cargoes and Containers Sub-Committee (DSC), a new draft schedule for iron ore fines, iron ore and a modified Proctor/Fagerberg test procedure for iron ore fines was agreed. These are expected to be adopted as part of amendment 03-15 of the IMSBC Code.The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) have issued an exemption certificate stating that iron ore fines must be carried and tested in accordance with the draft IMSBC Code schedule. A copy of this exemption, which enters force on 1 January 2014, can befound here.Early implementation of draft amendments to the IMSBC code related to the carriage and testing of iron ore finesThe Maritime Safety Committee, at its ninety-first session, authorized DSC 18 to issue a DSC circular on early implementation of the draft schedule(s) for iron ore fines, after the Sub-Committee finalizes the draft schedule.As instructed, DSC 18 prepared a draft individual schedule for IRON ORE FINES, a draft amendment to the individual schedule for IRON ORE and a draft amendment to appendix 2 to the IMSBC Code for the inclusion of "Modified Proctor/Fagerberg ...
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