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Decent living for efficient and safe ships

The Nautical Institute publishes latest Alert! Bulletin - Issue 34 The need for seafarers to have decent living conditions is enshrined in the new Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) but the latest issue of the International Maritime Human Element Bulletin Alert! explains why habitability is important for reasons of efficiency and safety.The MLC gives port state inspectors power to detain vessels that do not conform to decent habitability standards and provides a strict regulatory framework to ensure that seafarers live in decent conditions. Alert! also explains other benefits, including ensuring crews can work more efficiently. Issue No.34 is packed with useful information about this important topic, which is more complicated than merely providing each seafarer with a cabin and a bunk.Readers are also reminded that habitability is an important design criteria in modern ships, with the need to consider such matters as noise, vibration, the indoor climate and lighting in living and working spaces. The considerable scope of the MLC regulations as they apply to accommodation and recreational facilities is usefully summarised, along with plenty of guidance on the detailed regulations themselves.Gone are the days when seafarers should just fit in where they can after the cargo, the engines and the ...

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