Tag: tankers

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Oil tanker spill protocols may not be enough

Losses and Human Error Persist Canada has clear guidelines on what happens if an oil tanker springs a leak in its waters, but experts agree all the best protocol in the world can't factor in human error.If such an accident occurs, the first responders would be those on the tug boats escorting the tanker.The company that owns the tanker would be responsible for immediately notifying the Canadian Coast Guard or the province's emergency line.Then, a federally-certified spill response group would handle the crisis, with the coast guard overseeing the cleanup, which is supposed to be contained by law within 10 days.Edward Owens is a geologist and consultant with Enbridge and says the plan to manage any spill connected to the Northern Gateway pipeline will be state-of-the-art.But he acknowledged that adverse weather conditions, miscommunication and poor management can delay a spill response.And former federal Fisheries Minister David Anderson says given Enbridge's record in cleaning up other spills, it shouldn't be trusted to get a spill in B.C. waters right.For its part, an Enbridge spokesman defends the company's safety record, saying it invested about $400 million last year alone in the safety of its vast pipeline and doubled the number of staff ...

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Tanker stern tube seal repairs carried out afloat

Teams carried out underwater stern tube seal repairs Last month, Hydrex diver/technician teams carried out underwater stern tube seal repairs on a 130 m tanker in Rotterdam.The unnamed vessel was suffering oil leaks, making a fast repair necessary. Using one of the company's flexible mobdocks the team was able to carry out the entire operation on-site and underwater, thus saving time and money for the owners, Hydrex claimed.Each Hydrex office has a fast response centre equipped with the latest facilities, lightweight equipment and tools. These centres were designed specifically to increase speed of service, thus allowing the company to mobilise a diver/technician team to the tanker within the shortest possible time frame.When oil was noticed as leaking from the tanker's stern tube seal assembly, diver/technicians mobilised from the Hydrex office in Antwerp went to the vessel's location in Rotterdam together with all the necessary equipment.After the diving team had set up a monitoring station, the operation started with a thorough underwater inspection of the stern tube seal assembly.Following the inspection, the team removed the vessel's rope guard. It was found that fishing lines tangled around the liner had caused the oil leak.These were removed. The team then installed a mobdock ...

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The devices to prevent the passage of flame into cargo tanks in chemical and oil/chemical tankers

ClassNK- TEC 0906 ClassNK issues Technical Information TEC- 0906 regarding the devices to prevent the passage of flame into cargo tanks in chemical and oil/chemical tankers.The design, testing and location of devices(flame screen, flame arrester, high velocity device etc.) to prevent the passage of flame into cargo tanks in chemical and oil/chemical tankers prescribed in MSC/Circ.677 was amended to MSC/Circ.1324 as follows.1. AmendmentThe devices on chemical and oil/chemical tankers certified for the carriage of chemicals which are required to follow the apparatus group IIB(including no description of apparatus group) or IIC, based on the apparatus group assigned as per column i" in the table of the IBC Code, Chapter 17, should be tested with the ethylene(apparatus Group IIB) or hydrogen(apparatus Group IIC). Accordingly, it is necessary to install the suitable devices for the carried chemicals as the amendment.2. Application(1) New shipsThe MSC/Circ.1324 is applied to the ships constructed on or after 1 January 2013.(2) Existing shipsThe MSC/Circ.1324 is applied to the existing ships constructed before 1 January 2013, no later than the first scheduled dry-docking carried out on or after 1 January 2013. The existing ships are required to comply with following (i) or (ii).(i) Exchange the devicesIn case where ...

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Green Award certification programme for Chemical Tankers

From July 1st, chemical tankers with a DWT ≥ 20,000 are eligible for Green Award certification On the 1st of July 2012, Green Award Foundation will launch an additional certification programme. As of this date, chemical tankers with a DWT ≥ 20,000 are eligible for Green Award certification. The Foundation has been working on this programme for several years to amend the existing requirements, making it suitable for this type of ship. The initiation of this programme was driven by the demand from potential certificate holders and our own initiative, whilst at the same time the Foundation aimed to increase diversity in its certification scheme by increasing the impact by broadening the ship types to be certified.The first edition of the requirements for chemical tankers is issued in Annex 3d Green Award Requirements (Chemical tanker) of Chapter 7. Green Award Regulations under the Seacure for Operations 2011 (as amended in 2012).The requirements for the chemical tanker programme is based on the stringent yet reachable oil tanker requirements version 11, released back in September 2011.Similar to other ship types, in order to maintain the "bar" of the requirements high, we have added/amended several topics for the following elements, which are relevant ...

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Somali pirates free Italian chemical tanker

The Enrico Ievoli, chemical tanker with 18 crew captured off the coast of Oman Somali pirates have released an Italian chemical tanker with 18 crew captured off the coast of Oman in December, the foreign ministry in Rome said on Monday.The Enrico Ievoli, owned by Naples-based shipping company Marnavi, was carrying caustic soda from the United Arab Emirates to the Mediterranean and has seven Indians, six Italians and five Ukrainians on board."The foreign ministry confirms the release of the crew of the Italian ship 'Enrico Ievoli' off the Somali coast," the ministry said in a statement.Foreign Minister Giulio Terzi was quoted as expressing his "great satisfaction" and said it was part of "a wider diplomatic effort carried out also with Somali authorities in recent months."Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti in February asked his Somali counterpart Abdiweli Mohamed Ali to do "everything in his power" to ensure the release."This incident is further confirmation of the gravity of the security threat posed by the phenomenon of piracy," Terzi said on Monday.Ship owner Domenico Ievoli was quoted by ANSA news agency as saying: "The ship has already left Somalia and there are Italian military on board."An Italian warship met the Ievoli after it ...

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