Tag: Swedish Club

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The Swedish Club makes Arctic trade safer

The Club has issued a guide offering advice to operators transiting the polar regions According to a new publication issued by the Swedish Club, operators transiting the polar regions are not always fully prepared for the unique challenges that they will face. Yet informing their P&I Club and Underwriter allows the owner to get access to hands-on advice that will reduce their exposure to these increased risks.As longer ice free summers and increased offshore operations focus attention on the polar regions, transits to and from the arctic ports are set to increase significantly. The commercial attractiveness of these new trading routes has seen yearly transits increase fifteen-fold since 2010, to 60 in 2013. The Swedish Club has acknowledged an increased need to support its members in engaging in this trade with a view of making it as safe as possible.Yet these routes are like no other, requiring a completely new mindset and an understanding of the importance of the risk assessments and regulations necessary for the success of the voyage. There are a very limited number of polar navigators and few crew with experience of navigating in the polar regions. Consequently, to ensure safe passage The Swedish Club recommends that ...

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