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The Standard P&I Club issues the Standard Bulletin Offshore Special Edition

The club's growth has primarily been organic The Standard P&I Club issues the Standard Bulletin Offshore Special Edition. This is the sixth edition, which follows a further year of successful development of the offshore entry which now stands at 14% of entered tonnage.The club's growth has primarily been organic, although the club has welcomedfive new offshore members to date in the 2011 policy year, it hasd declined six times as many enquiries as accepted.To view the Standard Bulletin Offshore Special Edition click here.Source: The Standard P&I Club

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Egypt New Instructions regarding arms and armed teams on board

Egypt declares the carriage of arms and ammunition on board ships in territorial waters illegal The Egyptian authorities have recently declared the carriage of arms and ammunition on board ships in Egyptian territorial waters to be illegal.Our Egyptian correspondents, Eldib Pandi, have advised that the Egyptian authorities had allowed ships to enter Egyptian ports with arms on-board. This was on the basis that the ship's local agents would make a declaration to the port authority before the ship's arrival providing them with:the name of the ship the ship's ETA at the port the period of her stay in the port a list of the security personnel the number of pieces and the type of arms on-board.The port police officers had to board the ship upon her arrival to:put the arms in a locker and seal it obtain a written confirmation from the ship's master that such arms would not be used during the period of the ship's stay in the port appoint a police officer to stay on board the ship and watch the bonded store during the ship's stay in the port.The police officers would then break the seal when the ship was ready to sail. If the ship ...

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USCG to commence unannounced Salvage and Marine Firefighting exercises

For tankers in the Puget Sound Captain of the Port zone from the end of September The Captain Of The Port Puget Sound has announced the implementation of an unannounced VERIFICATION OF SALVAGE AND MARINE FIREFIGHTING (SMFF) RESOURCES exercise program that they expect to begin by the end of September 2011.The USCG boarding personnel in the COTP Puget Sound may direct tank vessels carrying groups I through IV oils as cargo to conduct unannounced notification exercises based on a brief SMFF scenario.Please see ECM Client Alert 28-2011 for further details.Also, click here to see the Unannounced Verification of SMFF Exercise Form.Source: The Standard P&I Club

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The Standard P&I Club issues ECM Client Alert re California Nontank Vessel Regulation Changes

Action is required The Standard P&I Club issues ECM Client Alert regarding California Nontank Vessel Regulation Changes as follows:ECM have advised that the California Department of Fish and Game now requires the electronic submission of the general arrangement and fuel tank diagrams for all ships covered by a California State Nontank Vessel Oil Spill Contingency Plan. Diagrams must be submitted by 1 September 2011.They have also advised that California approval letters for state Nontank Oil Spill Contingency Plans with an expiry date of August 31st 2011 may not be reissued immediately by the Department of Fish and Game due to the large number of letters that must be reissued this year. However, a new approval letter will be issued immediately on request to the Department for any ship with a scheduled ETA to California.Please see ECM Client Alert 24-2011 for further information regarding both of these issues by clicking here.Source: The Standard P&I Club

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The Standard P&I Club – Japan Update

Radiation levels are well within safe limits from a health perspective Radioactive material from the damaged Fukushima Daiichi plant is gradually spreading outside Japan into the global atmosphere but at extremely low concentrations that do not present health or transportation safety hazards, according to the United Nations organizations closely monitoring the situation.Japanese authorities confirm that all airports in the country, with the exception of Sendai which was affected by the tsunami of 11 March, continue to operate normally for both international and domestic operations. Continuous monitoring around these airports confirms that radiation levels are well within safe limits from a health perspective.Japanese authorities also confirm that all international seaports not damaged by the earthquake and tsunami are operating normally and that no health risk has been detected around the ports, based on the results of measurements of radiation levels by local governments.Further information covering all aspects of the response of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan, as well as information regarding the radiation dose in Tokyo Bay can be found on the following websites:http://www.mlit.go.jp/page/kanbo01_hy_001411.htmlhttp://www.mlit.go.jp/kowan/kowan_fr1_000041.htmlSource: The Standard P&I Club

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The Standard P&I Club issues ECM Client Alert re requirements for vessel emergencies and spills

Referring to vessel operators in the State of Washington The Standard P&I Club issues ECM Client Alert 23-2011as follows:ECM Maritime Services has just been informed that new State of Washington (WA) reporting requirements for vessel emergencies and spills becomes effective today, July 22, 2011.Vessel operators must now notify the State of Washington within one hour of experiencing a vessel emergency that either results in a discharge or poses a substantial threat of a discharge of oil. Under previous WA law, the state was required to be notified only when an actual discharge of oil to waters had occurred.The new law specifically states the following:"The owner or operator of covered vessel must notify the state of any vessel emergency that results in the discharge or substantial threat of discharge of oil to state waters or that may affect the natural resources of the state within one hour of the onset of that emergency.For more information, click here.Source: The Standard P&I Club

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