New helpline aims to assist female seafarers
This International Women’s Day (Saturday March 8) will see the launch of a helpline to provide female seafarers with access to a trusted, female-led support system whenever they need it.
Read moreDetailsThis International Women’s Day (Saturday March 8) will see the launch of a helpline to provide female seafarers with access to a trusted, female-led support system whenever they need it.
Read moreDetailsWith Indonesia's export restrictions on nickel ore and a recent decline in exports from the Philippines, shipping activity for nickel ore to the South Pacific islands, including the Solomon Islands and New Caledonia, has increased.
Read moreDetailsSkuld Club informs on marine fuels blended with Cashew Nutshell Liquid (CNSL) biofuel and the operational problems that have been reported.
Read moreDetailsRecently, a bulk cargo vessel carrying coal from South Africa to Singapore suffered a fatal accident, resulting in the deaths of three crew members who were found in a full cargo hold. In this article, Jia Hong Liu, Assistant Vice President, Technical Manager at Skuld P&I Club addresses the risks posed by coal cargoes and highlights lessons learned for the accident.
Read moreDetailsOver the years, many incidents regarding damage to main engine components such as the crankshaft, main bearing, and other components of the main engine happen. The main engine damage claims are one of the most expensive claims, Skuld highlights.
Read moreDetailsEntered into force on 1 July 2022, the Norwegian Transparency Act focuses on requirements for 'larger' businesses to adopt measures aimed at safeguarding human rights, both in their own operations and across value/supply chains, Vincent Gustavi, Skuld's Chief Compliance Officer explains.
Read moreDetailsGeir Jørgensen, SVP Global Head of Loss Prevention in Skuld P&I Club, underscores the pivotal role of the human element both ashore and aboard ships. Emphasizing the need for the industry to broaden its perspective beyond onboard factors, he advocates for a comprehensive approach to address the entire life of a seafarer.
Read moreDetailsSkuld announced an update to Wave BL Network Bylaws to version 2.0 dated 1 November 2023 which had previously approved by the International Group (IG). The legal documentation and terms of use associated with WAVE are held in the Wave Application and Network Bylaws, version 1 dated 20 December 2019 ('Wave Bylaws version 1').
Read moreDetailsAccording to Skuld, bananas, though said to be the world's most transported- and consumed fruit, are also among the most sensitive cargoes that can be carried on a ship.
Read moreDetailsAccording to Skuld P&I, recently seafarers have been detained and prosecuted by Egyptian security due to items found during luggage inspection.
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