Tag: Shell

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Long-term ice forecasts for the Arctic seas

The August bulletin of ice forecasts for the second half of the navigation period contains general information about the expected ice conditions in the Russian Arctic seas in the second half of navigation of 2014 (August - October). For an assessment of a background of ice conditions, the forecast is compared to mean annual value (the norm calculated for 1970-2010). The scheme of provision of ice massifs is given in fig. 1. Fig. 1. Schematic map of borders and position of the main ice massifs in the Arctic seas Fig. 2. The general assessment of expected type of ice conditions in the Arctic seas in the second half of navigation of 2014. Kara Sea In September and October total absence of solid ices of the Novozemelsky ice massif in southwest part of the sea is expected. In the second half of navigation in southwest part of the Kara Sea the easy type of ice conditions (fig. 2) is expected. The area of the Severozemelsky ice massif in the first decade of September is expected 8% (norm of 17%), in the third decade of September - 5% (norm of 11%). The square of the North Kara ice massif in the second ...

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Siemens develops European onshore power supply for cruise ships

The Hamburg Port Authority (HPA) has commissioned Siemens to build a turnkey onshore power supply at the Hamburg Altona cruise terminal. The system will supply electricity to cruise ships of all common sizes and electrical system designs, allowing them to turn off their own diesel generators and reduce harmful emissions during their lay days. The first European onshore power supply system of this type has a capacity of 12 megavolt amperes (MVA) and works with a patented, mobile robot arm designed specifically for the tidal range. The heart of the system is a frequency converter with control software that adjusts the frequency of the local distribution grid to the ship's electrical system. The scope of supply for Siemens, in its capacity as general contractor, includes the medium and low voltage switchgears, the transformers, the fire safety system and the building's air conditioning and ventilation system. Commissioning is scheduled for the spring of 2015. The order volume will run to around €8.5 million. The onshore power supply system from Siemens meets the required international standards IEC/ISO/IEEE 80005-1 (cable connection between shore and ship on the medium voltage side) and IEC 62613-2 (connectors and sockets). The modular system from Siemens covers all ...

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OSPAR adopts Regional Action Plan on Marine Litter

The OSPAR Commission adopted a landmark Regional Action Plan on Marine Litter along with measures to protect 16 vulnerable species and habitats. The Regional Action Plan on Marine Litter will enable OSPAR countries to substantially reduce marine litter in North-East Atlantic. The Plan will address litter from both land and sea based sources and will result in a reduction in marine litter on coasts and beaches. The Plan supports the global effort to achieve significant reductions in marine debris by 2025 as agreed by Heads of States at Rio+20. It provides a regional contribution to the European Union's Marine Strategy Framework Directive. The plan also invites international organisations, the private sector and the non-governmental organisations to cooperate in its implementation. The meeting also agreed on measures to protect and conserve 11 species and 5 habitats identified by OSPAR as being particularly vulnerable within the North-East Atlantic. These include cod, European eel, 5 species of shark and 2 species of ray along with 5 important marine habitats including seagrass meadows and deep sea hydrothermal vents. A biologically diverse North-East Atlantic is vital for the proper functioning of marine ecosystems as well as supporting human health and the millions of livelihoods that ...

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NYK achieves CO2 emission reduction objective from vessels

In fiscal 2013, NYK achieved an 18.1 percent reduction in CO2 emissions, significantly exceeding the goal established in 2008 in the company's "New Horizon 2010" medium-term management plan calling for a 10 percent reduction by fiscal 2013 in the CO2 emission rate per unit of transportation from vessels compared with the rate recorded in 2006. NYK has worked "to contribute to the global environment and the creation of sustainable societies by managing environmental risks and arriving at an optimal balance between environment and economy," as indicated in the company's environmental management vision. This achievement is the product of not only the aggressive introduction and development of the latest energy-saving technologies, such as an air-lubrication system, but also a reduction activities in fuel consumption and CO2 emissions since 2005 resulting from a cooperative effort for efficient and optimal vessel operations and better stakeholder relations among NYK, shipowners, and ship-management companies. This effort is expected to help NYK to attain the goal announced in 2011 in the company's "More Than Shipping 2013" medium-term management plan: a 10 percent improvement in fuel-efficiency above the 2010 level by fiscal 2015. In fact, the company's latest medium-term management plan, "More Than Shipping 2018," was announced ...

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Arms of Innovation tested for the first time

Cris Moreno has a big job on his hands. His task is to make sure Shell's Prelude FLNG project can transfer its liquid cargo in one of the loneliest places on the planet; 200km's off the north-west coast of Australia. It took thousands of hours to develop the technology needed to deliver the challenge, but Cris is finally ready to test these 'arms of innovation' for the first time.

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BSEE Director visits Arctic Challenger, speaks with CG and ABS senior leaders

On February 20 and 21, 2014 Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) Director Brian Salerno and BSEE Alaska Region Director Mark Fesmire traveled to Bellingham, Wash. to meet with senior leaders from the U.S. Coast Guard and the American Bureau of Shipping and see first-hand Shell's containment system aboard the Arctic Challenger. Director Salerno and Alaska Region Director Fesmire also visited with Coast Guard representatives at the Coast Guard's District headquarters in Seattle. The group discussed operations in the Arctic, the certification of vessels and significant issues affecting offshore operations in Alaska. This coordination meeting with Coast Guard representatives from Alaska and Washington follows on a coordination meeting held with Coast Guard leaders in Washington, D.C. Prior to leaving Washington, Director Salerno met with Carl Weimer, Director of the Pipeline Safety Trust, a nonprofit pipeline safety charity. The two discussed the safe transport of energy. Director Salerno will be participating in the Technical Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Safety Standards Committee meeting in Washington, D.C. on February 25 and 26, 2014 in Washington, D.C. More information on that meeting can be found on the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration's website. Source and Image Credit: BSEE  In the outbreak, I was ...

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