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Iran navy chief says closing Gulf really easy

Closing off the Gulf to oil tankers will be Closing off the Gulf to oil tankers will be "easier than drinking a glass of water" for Iran if the Islamic state deems it necessary, state television reported on Wednesday, ratcheting up fears over the world's most important oil chokepoint."Closing the Strait of Hormuz for Iran's armed forces is really easy ... or as Iranians say it will be easier than drinking a glass of water," Iran's navy chief Habibollah Sayyari told Iran's English language Press TV."But right now, we don't need to shut it as we have the Sea of Oman under control and we can control the transit," said Sayyari, who is leading 10 days of exercises in the Strait.Tension has increased between Iran and the West after EU foreign ministers decided three weeks ago to tighten sanctions on the world's No. 5 crude exporter over what the U.N. nuclear watchdog says is an attempt to design an atomic bomb, but left open the idea of an embargo on Iranian oil.Iran, which says it is developing nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, warned on Tuesday it would stop the flow of oil through the Strait of Hormuz in the Gulf ...

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MARAD Releases Advisory re Iranian Navy Exercises

MARAD Advisory 2011-07 MARAD releases the following advisory concerning vessel inspections being conducted by the Iranian Navy:Reports from maritime forces and commercial maritime interests indicate concern with the potential for localized disruption to shipping in conjunction with future Iranian Naval exercises. During previous exercises Iranian maritime forces conducted boarding and inspections of merchant ships, including those flagged to European nations. The possibility exists that Iran will attempt to conduct boarding and inspection during exercises between December 2011 and March 2012. The most likely location for this activity would be in the vicinity of the Strait of Hormuz, particularly in areas closer to Iranian territorial waters.If a US-flag vessel is hailed for boarding by the Iranian Navy in international waters the ship's master should "protest but comply," if circumstances warrant.US-flag vessels are advised to report incidents to the Comusnavcent Battlewatch Captain (Maritime Operations Center) at 011-973-1785-3879, and Marlo Bahrain at 011-973-3940-1395.Source: MARAD

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Ship allowed to travel without explosives

Discovering 69 surface-to-air missiles and 160 tonnes of explosives British-registered ship that was held in a Finnish port after authorities discovered 69 surface-to-air missiles and 160 tonnes of explosives onboard has permission to travel again, but without those materials or its captain, a port official said on Monday.The M/S Thor Liberty was headed to China and had docked in the southern Finnish port of Kotka to pick up anchor chains when police last week discovered and seized the missiles and explosive piric acid on board.The Patriot missiles were an official shipment from Germany to South Korea, while Finnish authorities said the explosives were a legitimate shipment for China. But the missiles lacked proper transit documents, and the explosives weren't safely stored, police said.The military has destroyed some of the cargo, while other pieces were being repacked in a safer manner.Official said he did not know exactly which pieces had been disposed of. The ship's Ukrainian captain and first mate were taken into custody on suspicion of violating weapons export laws, and have not been cleared to leave the country.There were 11 other crew members on the ship.Source: Gulf Today

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EUNAVFOR maintaining guard at sea over Christmas

Anticipating that the pirates will not take a break over the holiday period Anticipating that the pirates will not take a break over the holiday period, neither will the EU NAVFOR units patrolling around the Horn of Africa and in the Somali Basin.Whilst back at home in Europe the families of the deployed EU NAVFOR personnel celebrate this very special season of the year, the crews of all ships and aircraft of the entire EU NAVFOR Operation ATALANTA Task Force off the coast of Somalia maintain their guard at sea and continue with their duty of securing the safe transport of food to the people of Somalia. With this decision, the Naval Force underlines the commitment of the European Union to ensure the safe arrival of humanitarian aid, so desperately needed by thousands of suffering Somali people. In addition to the escorting of merchant vessels chartered by the World FoodProgramme, EU Naval Forces also continue to counter the threats imposed by Somali pirates on the international shipping community in a combined effort with other multinational Naval Forces in Indian Ocean. Currently, out of the 27 Nations contributing to the Operation, Sailors and soldiers from 13 different nations will be active ...

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China beefing up military presence in Indian Ocean

The Indian Ocean is strategic area - 85% of China's oil imports and 60% of its exports are routed Little by little China is forming military links in Africa and in the Indian Ocean in order, experts say, to protect Beijing's economic interests in the region.In the past three weeks Beijing has committed to supporting Ugandan forces operating in Somalia and to helping the Seychelles fight piracy."It is very clear that the Chinese leaders recognize that military force will play a bigger role to safeguard China's overseas interests," Jonathan Holslag, of the Brussels Institute of Chinese Contemporary Studies told AFP."There is a willingness, and even a consensus, in China, that this process will take place."The Indian Ocean is strategic, Holslag said, noting that 85 percent of China's oil imports and 60 percent of its exports are routed via the Gulf of Aden.Beijing does not so far have any military base in the region: its military presence consists of three vessels in the Gulf of Aden to fight Somali pirates.But the deployment of those ships in 2009, the first of its kind for the Chinese navy, was already highly symbolic.For the moment, cooperation between China and the islands of the Indian ...

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Security measures for ships

India has initiated several preventive/mitigating security measures to curb piracy Ministry of Defence had requested M/o Shipping to advice all Indian Shipping companies to adopt the Best Management Practices (BMPs) particularly with respect to the construction of a 'Safe House' or 'Citadel' on their ships for protecting the crew in the event of a piracy attack.M/o Shipping has advised the Shipping industry to adopt the BMPs which inter-alia include alarms, evasive manoeuvres, enhanced vigilance during watch keeping, control of access points and safe houses.Source: Press Information Bureau, Government of India

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DHS Agencies Discover Drugs Aboard Vessel

The crew is detained on board the vessel for the investigation A contingent of Department of Homeland Security agencies discovered almost 100 lbs of illicit narcotics during joint enforcement exam aboard a vessel arriving to the Port of Corpus Christi, shortly before 8 p.m. December 8.DHS law enforcement personnel found two stowaways from Colombia aboard the vessel. Also discovered were 94 lbs of cocaine and more than 5 pounds of heroin packed in two nylon bags.The Motor Vessel , an oil tanker, was arriving from Venezuela.Customs and Border Protection's Office of Field Operations, Office of Air and Marine, and U.S. Border Patrol conducted the joint boarding. Immigration and Customs Enforcement-Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) also participated in the joint enforcement exam."This operation is a first-rate example of the collaborative effort DHS makes in securing the nation," said CBP's Judson W. Murdock II, acting director of field operations, Houston. "We will take any opportunity to work with federal, state and local law enforcement agencies to disrupt criminal activity whether it's seizing narcotics or arresting illegal immigrants."The joint boarding was planned and conducted by participating agencies based on targeting by CBP using law enforcement databases.The crew is currently detained on board the vessel. ...

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U.S. Navy may station ships in Singapore, Philippines

It is likely to pressure n the South China Sea dispute The U.S. Navy said it would station several new coastal combat ships in Singapore and perhaps in the Philippines in coming years, moves likely to fuel China's fears of being encircled and pressured in the South China Sea dispute.Regional defense analysts said the ships were small, but agreed the symbolism of the moves, which come after Washington announced it was increasing its engagement in Asia, would upset Beijing.Last month the United States and Australia announced plans to deepen the U.S. military presence in the Asia-Pacific region, with 2,500 U.S. Marines operating out of a de facto base in Darwin in northern Australia.In coming years, the U.S. Navy will increasingly focus on the strategic "maritime crossroads" of the Asia-Pacific region, Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Jonathan Greenert wrote in the December issue of Proceedings, published by the U.S. Naval Institute.He said the navy planned to "station several of our newest littoral combat ships at Singapore's naval facility," in addition to the plans announced by President Barack Obama for marines to be based in Darwin from next year."This will help the navy sustain its global forward posture with what may be ...

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Rifles found on Indonesian ship off Navlakhi port

Second ship carrying weapons without papers Days after a mysterious Iranian vessel, loaded with automatic guns, raised suspicion after it was anchored at Lakshwadeep, another ship off Navlakhi port near Morbi has left security agencies in a state of panic.Customs officials have recovered self-loading rifles (SLRs) and live cartridges from the ship, M V Genco Province, which has come from Indonesia carrying coal for Hindustan Zinc.Officials said the weapons were declared to the department earlier but those on the ship did not have papers for weapons and ammunition. The ship has 21 Ukraine nationals and two security guards of Irish nationality. On Monday, senior coast guard, Navy, and police officials visited the Navlakhi port."We recovered four SLRs, which have been procured from the Sri Lankan Naval armory, from security guards on board. As many as 392 live cartridges of foreign make have also been seized. However, the company sending the ship declared only 320 cartridges. Those on the ship don't have the required papers to keep the weapons and are now arranging the same through their embassy," said a senior customs official.Customs officials said they will write to the Sri Lankan authorities to verify the credentials of the vessel and ...

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China sends biggest patrol ship to East China Sea on maiden voyage

To guard the country's territorial rights and marine interests China sent its largest patrol ship to the East China Sea for its maiden voyage in a bid to guard the country's territorial rights and marine interests there.The 3,000-ton-class Haijian 50 will visit Rixiang Rock, Suyan Rock and the offshore oil and gas fields of Chunxiao and Pinghu, as well as China-Japan joint development zones, said Liu Zhendong, head of the East China Sea fleet of China Marine Surveillance, a paramilitary maritime law enforcement agency.The Chinese-manufactured vessel, a heavyweight compared to the more commonly used 1,000-ton-class patrol ships, is equipped with China's most advanced marine technology and is capable of accommodating China's Z9A helicopters, Liu said.China has 32,000 km of coastline. The total area of its territorial seawater, continental shelf and exclusive economic zone, which is recognized under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, is 3 million square km.China's 2010 Ocean Development Report released last May said the country's maritime rights and interests face a complicated situation and safety threats, including terrorism, disputes over maritime resources and sovereignty and sea delimitation.Source: Shanghai Daily

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