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What tops the maritime agenda: Decarbonization and technology lead to new challenges

As a dynamic industry, the maritime environment undergoes continuous transformation, demanding evolution in all fronts. During the last CAREER4SEA Forum, speakers of a dedicated panel focused on the industry’s key challenges and top priorities, emphasizing that while decarbonization is a crucial concern, it shouldn’t overshadow other important issues on the agenda. 

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Emerging ship security challenges

During the SAFETY4SEA Hamburg Forum 2024, Nikos Georgopoulos, Chief Business Development Officer, Diaplous, gave a presentation on emerging ship security challenges. The presenter explored the current reality in the Indian Ocean and Red Sea concerning maritime terrorism and attacks on commercial shipping and explained that understanding the reasons behind these attacks is crucial for devising effective countermeasures.

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Creating an attractive working environment: What it takes for shipping

The maritime sector is evolving, creating opportunities for the younger generation to actively participate and fostering an environment that champions diversity, equality, and inclusiveness. During the last CAREER4SEA Forum, speakers of a dedicated panel discussed how the industry can meet the expectations of the young generations to attract, retain, and develop future crews.

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