Tag: Russia

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Russian wants to expand NSR capacity

  Russia’s Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has signed off on a comprehensive project that will further the development of the Northern Sea Route (NSR), the press center of RF Government informed.  NSR is the shortest route connecting Europe with the Far East, with the Asia-Pacific region, with the western part of North America. According to the Deputy Head of the Cabinet Arkadiy Dvorkovich, Russia issues around 600 permits annually to transport cargo via the route, with around 4 million tons of cargo delivered each year. However, Russia wants to transport much more cargo than that. “The potential estimated for the next 15 years – the time frame of the new comprehensive plan – is more than 80 million tons, that’s a twenty times increase in the volume of cargo,” said Mr. Dvorkovich. The prime minister noted that it will exceed the volume of traffic that existed during the Soviet era. “This goal should be mandatory,” Mr. Medvedev said. According to Mr. Dvorkovich, all the necessary regulatory framework for the project has already been formed. He said the project includes six major components, such as navigation and hydrographic support. In addition, there is no fully functioning system to regulate maritime traffic and ensure the protection of ...

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Yamal LNG predicts LNG shortage by 2018

Russia's Yamal LNG project expects global LNG market to face a deficit by 2018, which will open the doors for the country to a bigger share of the sector. It is expected that European LNG imports will increase to 107 million tonnes in 2025 from 38 million tonnes in 2013, Yamal LNG  said in a prospectus for forthcoming bond issue, adding that by 2020 the global LNG shortage would reach 50 million tonnes, Reuters reports. President Vladimir Putin has urged Russian companies to increase their output of LNG in an effort to double their global market share by 2020 from around 4.5 percent currently. The $27 billion Yamal LNG will start output in 2017 with the aim of producing 16.5 million tonnes a year by 2021. The Yamal LNG project is one of the largest industrial undertakings in the Arctic. It will eventually involve the drilling of more than 200 wells, the construction of 3 LNG trains, each with a capacity of 5.5 million tons per year, and a vast gas terminal, and the commissioning (a world first) of 16 icebreaker tankers, each able to transport 170,000 m³.  This ground-breaking project in the Yamal peninsula, to develop the huge South Tambey condensate gas field, calls on Yamal LNG’s ...

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