Tag: Riyadh MoU

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ship inspection

Riyadh MOU launches CIC on ship lifting appliances and loose gear

Further to the Club’s recent update on the joint PSC CIC by Paris, Tokyo and Abuja MOUs on Crew Wages and Seafarer Employment Agreements (MLC, 2006), according to UK P&I, the Riyadh MOU (composed of member countries Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia & UAE) has announced it will launch a CIC on ship’s lifting appliances, to run from 1 September 2024 to 30 November 2024.

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Riyadh MoU to launch CIC on PSC

From 1st October to 31st December 2015 Riyadh MoU has announced the launch of a Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) based on Safety of Navigation, SOLAS Chapter V which will take place for three months (October - December 2015)The purpose of this CIC is to ensure that ships comply with the requirements of equipment such as AIS, VDR as well as to ensure that the Master and Watch Keeping Officers are familiar with these equipment.Consequently, as from 1st October 2015, all vessels may be subject to an additional check by PSCO's. The campaign period will be commenced from 1st October 2015 and it will be held for 3 months, ending on 31st December 2015.In order to assist ships staff for this CIC, a check list to help Masters, Designated Persons Ashore and crew has been prepared to prevent the vessels from being delayed or detained by Port State Control Officer(s).The ships must comply with all applicable International Conventions at all times.(Please click to enlarge)Source: Riyadh MoU

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Skuld review of Riyadh MoU CIC on fire safety systems and USCG observations

Riyadh MoU from 1 October to 31 December 2014 addresses compliance with SOLAS II-2 and FSS Code Fire safety systems and the state of fire fighting equipment on board vessels have been the subject of both a Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) by the Riyadh MoU this year, as well as commentary by the US Coast Guard. The Skuld P&I Club gives an overview of these current CIC as well as loss prevention advice to operators for fire safety onbaord. Fire fighting at seaThucydides has been reputed to have said, "A collision at sea can ruin your entire day", but he may have expanded on this to add that a fire at sea is the worst day of them all.It may seem paradoxical to a lay person that a vessel surrounded by water should fear fire, but every seafarer knows that fires on board ships can be very difficult and quickly lead to very tragic consequences. A situation the Association is very keenly familiar with following the events on the MS Scandinavian Star in 1990.Port State Control authorities take the matter of fire safety on board vessels very seriously, and it is therefore not surprising to see developments in this regard ...

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