IMCSO unveils cybersecurity testing methodology
IMCSO released its cybersecurity testing methodology for the vessels that are looking to join the Cyber Risk Registry.
Read moreDetailsIMCSO released its cybersecurity testing methodology for the vessels that are looking to join the Cyber Risk Registry.
Read moreDetailsTwo breakaways of containerships after heavy rains highlight the importance of robust emergency and risk management arrangements.
Read moreDetailsA recent incident involving a bulk carrier in ballast condition highlights the dangers of improvisation and inadequate risk management during anchor handling.
Read moreDetailsMonitoring the status of the anchorage is a task of utmost importance, as the safety of the ship depends on timely and adequate responses to potential risks and hazards during its stay.
Read moreDetailsThe Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) Maritime Administrator reminds vessel owners, operators, ships officers, and crewmembers of the need to wear fall protection equipment when a risk of falling from height exists.
Read moreDetailsAMSA presents an incident where a crew member’s arm was crushed between the vessel and a pylon while tending to mooring lines.
Read moreDetailsOxygen-depleting cargoes and materials onboard ships refer to substances that can consume or displace oxygen within confined spaces like cargo holds, leading to hazardous conditions for crew members.
Read moreDetailsAccording to Britannia Club, the growing scale and complexity of marine transportation necessitate a proactive and multi-faceted approach to risk management. While professional expertise, experience, and regulatory frameworks provide valuable advantages, they cannot anticipate all potential risks.
Read moreDetailsThe International Maritime Organization (IMO) is launching an e-learning platform on ballast water management in international shipping.
Read moreDetailsAMSA and the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) are conducting a trial to understand the options for recycling ships' waste from international ships visiting Australian ports.
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