Tag: ReVolt

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DNV GL ReVolt – next generation short sea shipping

The increasing stress placed on land based logistic networks is driving the search for alternatives. One of the most promising is short sea shipping; therefore researchers at classification society DNV GL have developed “ReVolt”, a vessel that is greener, smarter and safer than conventionally fuelled and operated vessels. Autonomous, fully battery powered and highly efficient – “ReVolt” is a new shipping concept that offers a possible solution to the growing need for transport capacity.In the start, I was frank with you propecia before and after has changed my existence. It has become much more fun, and now I have to run. Just as it is fabulous to sit.

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Is the future unmanned?

For many in the industry the question of attracting and retaining the skilled workers needed to run their shipping operations is a constant challenge. Europort is calling attention to this strategically important issue by designating it as one of the core themes to be explored in 2015. However, recent technical development have reignited interest in an alternative approach: dispensing with the need for a crew altogether! Once more, potential cost savings and the fact that 85% of ship accidents are attributable to human error are being advanced as persuasive arguments for full automation. One company that is exhibiting at Europort in 2015 has already progressed further than the ‘what if?’ stage. Classification society DNV GL has reached the test phase in Norway, using a 1:20 scale model, of its automated short sea ship of the future. “ReVolt” envisages a vessel that is greener, smarter and safer than conventionally fuelled and operated vessels. Autonomous, fully battery powered and highly efficient, the “ReVolt” ship model embodies a shipping concept that looks to being a different dimension to shortsea shipping’s competitive case against rail and road modes. Instead of using diesel fuel, the “ReVolt” vessel will be powered by a 3,000 kWh battery. ...

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