Tag: Port of Gothenburg

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Construction of Gothenburg’s LNG terminal moves into next phase

Detailed plans and demolition activities has been approved At the Port of Gothenburg, construction of the terminal for liquid natural gas, LNG, has moved into the next phase. The City of Gothenburg has approved the detailed plans and demolition activities has now commenced to make way for the LNG terminal. A new company that will run the terminal has also been established.The aim is to be able to offer LNG by 2015 when shipping will need to switch to more eco-friendly fuels when operating in Swedish waters. Industry will also require LNG as it makes the change from oil and coal.The Swedish gas infrastructure company Swedegas and the Dutch company Vopak have set up a joint company to construct and operate the terminal. The project is being run in collaboration with the Port of Gothenburg, which will invest in the necessary port infrastructure. With effect from 2015, the Port Authority will reward vessels that use LNG in the form of reduced port charges.The terminal will be built at Skarvik, which is located at the Port of Gothenburg Energy Port. Tankers carrying LNG will discharge at the quayside and the gas will be stored temporarily at the terminal. It can be ...

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Port of Gothenburg’s campaign saved 120 tonnes of sulphur emissions

49 vessels participatied in campaign The Port of Gothenburg's campaign for a cleaner shipping industry is continuing to bear fruit. During 2013, 49 vessels took part in the programme. In total, they saved 120 tonnes of sulphur emissions.Shipping companies that switch to marine gas oil, LNG or another similar fuel with a maximum of 0.1 per cent sulphur content while operating in the Port of Gothenburg can take part in the environmental campaign. They will be rewarded with up to SEK 250,000 per year per vessel.In total, SEK 4 million was paid out during 2013 as part of the environmental campaign. The goal is to reduce emissions from shipping in Gothenburg and to facilitate preparations in the lead-up to the new EU Sulphur Directive, which will come into effect in 2015. The campaign is funded through the port charge, which for many years has meant payment of a surcharge if a ship's fuel sulphur content exceeds 0.5 per cent."In 2013, the campaign resulted in savings of 120 tonnes of sulphur emissions, which is 13 tonnes more than in 2012", says Anna Jivén, acting Environmental Manager at the Port of Gothenburg."We want to support innovative initiatives related to a cleaner environment ...

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ESPO Conference will be hosted by the Port of Gothenburg this year

On 15 and 16 May, ESPO is organising the 11th edition of its Annual Conference, which will be hosted by the port of Gothenburg. The port of Gothenburg is the largest port in Scandinavia and the optimal freight hub in northern Europe. The port provides a direct access to the entire Baltic region and all parts of Scandinavia. The port of Gothenburg is a no-limits port, operating 24/7, all year round.

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EU supports Rotterdam-Gothenburg LNG initiative

Small-scale infrastructure for LNG chain a priority project for EU transport The LNG Rotterdam-Gothenburg project has been acknowledged by the European Commission as a priority project for European transport infrastructure development.European Commission grants 34 million euro for the development of a small-scale LNG chain in Rotterdam and Gothenburg, accommodating LNG supply for cleaner maritime transportThe collaboration between the ports for the infrastructure enables shipping companies to switch to Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)-powered vesselsLNG allows the shipping industry to meet the stringent 2015 emission requirements for the North Sea, English Channel and Baltic SeaThe Commission grants 34 million euro (SEK 305 million) to develop small-scale infrastructure for liquefied natural gas (LNG) as an efficient and cleaner alternative for fuel oil and diesel in the North and Baltic Sea region. The Dutch-Swedish LNG collaboration involves the ports of Rotterdam and Gothenburg, together with gas infrastructure companies Gasunie (the Netherlands) and Swedegas (Sweden) and the international tank storage provider Vopak.The decision of the Commission represents a clear support for the realization of this initiative, which aims at creating a new supply infrastructure for LNG in the maritime region of North Sea and Baltic Sea by 2015. LNG Rotterdam-Gothenburg is considered to be one ...

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