Tag: port of Antwerp

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Port of Antwerp publishes its first ever sustainability report

Report aims to improve port's environmental, economic and labor activities The Port of Antwerp has published its first ever sustainability report which focuses on the efforts made to help improve the management of its environmental, economic and labor activities.The Sustainability Report, compiled by the Antwerp Port Authority, the Left Bank Development Corporation and Alfaport Antwerp, forms part of the "Total Plan for a More Competitive Port" that was launched in 2010 in response to the global financial crisis.While in the 20th century the emphasis of Antwerp's port policy was firmly on economic development, the report notes how in the 21st century greater importance will be placed on social concerns that impact the port's activities.For example, environmental management will be given a more prominent role, and stakeholder management will be further developed.Additionally, significant efforts will be made to help reduce the environmental footprint and time-efficiency of Antwerp's hinterland transport.The main report was produced in nine stages, with each stage focusing on both the efforts made and that need to be introduced to aid in the sustainable running of Antwerp Port.Sustainable practices highlighted in the report include arrangements for the disposal of ship waste, further investment in sustainable energy and the set ...

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Port of Antwerp to participate in Clean Shipping project

Aiming to reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from ships in the North Sea The Port of Antwerp has joined a Clean Shipping project which aims to reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from ships in the North Sea Region by gathering and sharing information on environmental technology.The CNSS project, including 18 partners from six countries, strives to reduce exhaust gas emissions from ships in the North Sea Region. The objective is to improve the environmental issues caused by air pollution and greenhouse gases from shipping along the North Sea coast and within North Sea ports and harbours.CNSS addresses this by sharing knowledge and convincing influential stakeholders to take action. These stakeholders include regional and European politicians, ports, shipping companies and cargo owners.The Clean North Sea Shipping (CNSS) project has recently launched a website gathering information on Clean Shipping Technology, which serves as a guide for existing nearby and long-term technological solutions to reduce carbon dioxide, sulphur and nitrogen oxide in order to promote the development of a sustainable maritime transport system.The website and a corresponding brochure cover both current and future legislation and technology, as well as economic and environmental benefits for the shipping industry and port ...

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European ports still chasing greener ships

Green ships calling at Antwerp are now being rewarded by a discount Environment-friendly ships calling at Antwerp are now being rewarded by a discount but it seems Rotterdam is finding that the scheme may initially need a lower threshold.The Environmental Ship Index (ESI) initiative by the International Association of Ports and Harbours developed a free online index which enables ships to register their Green status and ports to register the benefits they are willing to give to cleaner vessels.The ports in involved, Le Havre, Bremen, Hamburg, Rotterdam, Amsterdam and Antwerp, have started their schemes to offer discounts, but while Antwerp is just starting, Rotterdam, which opened its scheme in January still has no takers, and so it is wondering whether a little flex is needed in the system to make it more attractive.On the basis of data such as fuel consumption and emissions, each ship is given a score on a scale from 0 to 100 (from highly polluting to emission-free). So far more than 250 ships have been given a score.Tie Schellekens of the port of Rotterdam told PS that We started offering discounts to ships with 31 points, but nobody has qualified for this yet, so we are ...

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Port Authority rewards clean ships calling at the port of Antwerp

In order to further reduce emissions In order to further reduce emissions of pollutants such as NOx and SOx, the Port Authority is to reward clean ships calling at the port of Antwerp, the Port Authority press release said.This measure follows on from an initiative by the International Association of Ports and Harbours (IAPH), in which the port authorities of Le Havre, Bremen, Hamburg, Rotterdam, Amsterdam and Antwerp introduced the Environmental Ship Index (ESI). Shipping companies can register their ships for this index at www.environmentalshipindex.org.On the basis of the data entered, such as fuel consumption and emissions, each ship is given a score on a scale from 0 to 100 (from highly polluting to emission-free). So far more than 250 ships have been given a score. The ports themselves decide what advantages to offer participating ships.In the case of Antwerp, seagoing ships with a score of 31 or more will be granted a discount of 10% on the tonnage dues. The Port Authority will guarantee this discount for a period of at least three years, so offering continuity for shipping companies that invest in improving the ESI score of their ships.If fewer than 25 seagoing ships qualify for the discount, ...

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