UN: Paris Agreement is the fastest international ratification
The UN’s top climate official has praised nations across the globe for acting swiftly to bring the landmark Paris Climate Change Agreement into force.
Read moreDetailsThe UN’s top climate official has praised nations across the globe for acting swiftly to bring the landmark Paris Climate Change Agreement into force.
Read moreDetailsAs a considered response to the Paris Agreement on climate change, the world's national shipowner associations - represented by ICS - have pledged their support for the development of a timeline for the further reduction of the shipping sector's GHG emissions.
Read moreDetailsThe European Parliament has approved the ratification of the Paris Agreement by the European Union. With this approval the last hurdle is cleared. The political process for the European Union to ratify the Agreement is concluded.
Read moreDetailsUnited Nations Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon expressed his confidence on Wednesday, 21 September 2016, that the Paris Agreement will enter into force before he leaves office at the end of the year. Mr. Ban was speaking shortly after receiving instruments of ratification from 31 new State Parties, bringing the total number of countries to have ratified the Paris Agreement to 60.
Read moreDetailsThe Danish Shipowners Association has initiated a study on CO2 shipping emissions with support from the Danish Maritime Fund to investigate ways for further reducing the shipping carbon footprint.
Read moreDetailsThe UNFCCC has launched the "Business End of Climate Change" report putting a figure for the first time on what greenhouse gas emissions cuts could be achieved by business worldwide.
Read moreDetailsFollowing the COP21 Outcome in Paris last December, think tank Friends of Europe created the following infographic which depicts what needs to be done to implement the new climate deal and limit the global temperature rise to 2°C.
Read moreDetailsYala University has reported that as the world moves to slash CO2 emissions, the shipping and aviation sectors have managed to remain on the sidelines. But the pressure is now on these two major polluting industries to start controlling their emissions at last.
Read moreDetailsIternational shipping and aviation will have to cap their greenhouse gas emissions soon for the world to meet the ambitious goals laid down in the Paris Climate Change Agreement, participants at a side event heard this week.
Read moreDetailsDenmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, and the United States have reaffirmed their deep partnership based on shared fundamental values and jointly announced actions taken for implementing the Paris Agreement and cooperating on Arctic.
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