Tag: Pacific

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New service between Australia and US launched

CMA CGM and SEATRADE announced their collaboration on the creation of a new vessel sharing agreement with a view to improve the supply of transport between Australia and the United States. The new companies will offer a fast, direct and dedicated reefer service from New Zealand to the United States and Europe with stops in Peru, which will include a very short transit time to supply fruits to the United States and Europe.

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Pacific Community to host Maritime Technology Centre

IMO says that the Pacific Community has been selected to host the regional Maritime Technology Cooperation Centre for the Pacific region with the aim to deliver the agreed project milestones over a three-year period, making a significant contribution to IMO’s efforts to ensure effective implementation and enforcement of the global energy-efficiency regulations for international shipping.

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Understanding El Nino

This video demonstrates how warm water in the central Pacific can influence prevailing pressure and precipitation patterns across the ocean basin. These atmospheric disturbances influence the average position of the Jet Stream. In turn, the jet alters temperature and precipitation patterns in the United States. This video demonstrates how warm water in the central Pacific can influence prevailing pressure and precipitation patterns across the ocean basin. These atmospheric disturbances influence the average position of the Jet Stream. In turn, the jet alters temperature and precipitation patterns in the United States.In the beginning, I was forthright with you propecia before and after has changed my existence. It has become much more fun, and now I have to run. Just as it is improbable to sit.

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Making shipping environmentally safer in the Bering Strait

The Bering Strait is the only marine connection between the Chukchi Sea and Arctic Ocean to the north and the Bering Sea and Pacific Ocean to the south. Just 55 miles wide, the Strait separates Alaska to the west and Russia to the east. The Bering Strait is a biological hotspot. Millions of seabirds and hundreds of thousands of marine mammals use the Strait as a migratory corridor, and the Bering and Chukchi Seas are one of the most productive ocean ecosystems in the world. It is also noted that vessel traffic through the Bering Strait is growing. Earlier this year, an American company revealed plans to sail a luxury cruise ship from Seward, Alaska to New York City in 2016, using the fabled Northwest Passage. More recently, a Canadian company announced its intent to ship a cargo of nickel concentrate from northern Canada to China, also via the Northwest Passage. In addition to increasing interest in using the Northwest Passage north of Canada, traffic on the Northern Sea Route north of Russia is growing. As vessel traffic increases, so too does the potential for adverse environmental impacts to the Bering Strait region. These impacts could include more pollution, ship ...

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