Tag: Northern Sea Route

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Russia’s most powerful nuclear-powered icebreaker completes stage one sea trials

Russia’s largest and most powerful nuclear-powered icebreaker returned from its stage one of sea trials prior to its planned delivery in May 2020. Namely, Arktika, which is still under construction at Russia’s Baltic Shipyard in St. Petersburg, departed St. Petersburg on December to the Gulf of Finland, returning two days later after completing testing of the ship’s generators, navigation and communications systems. 

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Russian vessel successes transmit through NSR

The largest container vessel in the fleet of Russian carrier Oboronlogistics, Sparta III, successfully delivered cargo from China to Europe via the Northern Sea Route. The carrier in particular, stated that the overall saving on the journey is estimated to be USD $330,000. Moreover, significant savings in fuel and increase of security were also reported since the vessel navigated through pirate-free regions.

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