Belgium called upon to halt export of toxic ship
The NGO Platform on Shipbreaking, a coalition of environmental, human rights and labour organisations, sent a letter to the Flemish Environment Ministry Monday
Read moreDetailsThe NGO Platform on Shipbreaking, a coalition of environmental, human rights and labour organisations, sent a letter to the Flemish Environment Ministry Monday
Read moreDetailsThe NGO Shipbreaking Platform, is urging the shipping industry to stop selling their end-of-life ships to the shipbreaking beaches of South Asia and instead demand sustainable and safe ship recycling in modern facilities.
Read moreDetailsThe NGO Shipbreaking Platform, has sent a letter to the Italian Environment minister to demand the safe and clean dismantling of the wrecked cruise ship Costa Concordia in accordance with Italian law and European law, particularly the EU Waste Framework Directive and the EU Ship Recycling Regulation.
Read moreDetailsThe NGO Shipbreaking Platform, a global coalition of 19 environmental, human rights and labour rights organisations working to prevent dangerous and polluting shipbreaking worldwide
Read moreDetailsThe NGO Shipbreaking Platform and its 18 member organisations around the world applaud the Forest Department and the District Administration for removing two shipbreaking yards that had been operating illegally on protected forest land for several years in Chittagong,
Read moreDetailsGerman and Greek Shipping Companies amongst the world's worst The NGO Shipbreaking Platform, a global coalition of organisations seeking to prevent dirty and dangerous shipbreaking practices worldwide, published the complete list of ships that were dismantled around in the world in 2013.Of the 1213 large ocean-going vessels that were scrapped in 2013, 645 were sold to substandard beaching facilities in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh . Approximately 40% of these ships were EU-owned. The new EU regulation on ship recycling entered into force on 30 December 2013. However, unless an economic incentive is added to it, the registration of European ships under flags of convenience will allow ship owners to sail around the new regulation and continue dumping their toxic ships in substandard facilities.End-of-life vessels contain toxic materials such as asbestos, heavy metals, PCBs and organic waste within their structures. South Asia has become a preferred dumping ground as environmental, safety and labour rights standards are poorly enforced there. Ship owners are able to sell their ships to the beach breakers for considerably greater profit than if they were sold to clean and safe recycling facilities."Whereas the number of dismantled ships remained nearly as high as in 2012, the number of ...
Read moreDetailsOn Thursday 5 December, just five days before the new EU Ship Recycling Regulation was published, ship recyclers from Germany, France, the UK, the Netherlands, Denmark, Lithuania, Spain and Sweden participated to the first green ship recycling conference organised by the NGO Shipbreaking Platform to discuss the future of their industry.
Read moreDetailsNGOS do not support the new EU Ship Recycling Reguation
Read moreDetailsNew site for improving global shipbreaking practices
Read moreDetailsStudy supports funding for EU ship recycling
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