Tag: MPA Singapore

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Singapore continues to harmonize LNG bunkering standards

MPA Singapore signs MoU with Port of Antwerp and Port of Zeebrugge LNG Bunker Ship / Image credit: LNG ship to ship bunering procedure studySingapore has taken a significant step forward LNG bunkering. Recently, the MPA Singapore and LR completed a study on the Technical Standards and Procedures for LNG bunkering. Today, the MPA Singapore announces that it continues to harmonize LNG bunkering standards by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Antwerp Port Authority and Port of Zeebrugge for co-operation in the following areas:To harmonise the procedures related to liquefied natural gas (LNG) bunkering in order to facilitate the acceptance of LNG bunker for shipping.To exchange information on matters related to LNG as a shipping fuel, such as LNG infrastructure, communication to stakeholders, accreditation of bunkering operators.To exchange information pertaining to bunkering procedures and regulatory framework.To identify common areas of interests to set up joint research and development programmes.The MOU, which will be in force for three years, was signed between Mr Lam Yi Young, Chief Executive of MPA, Mr Eddy Bruyninckx, Chief Executive Officer of Antwerp Port Authority, and Mr Joachim Coens, Chief Executive Officer of Port of Zeebrugge.Mr Lam said, "Over the last two years, MPA ...

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Singapore Develops LNG Bunkering Standards

MPA Singapore and LR complete study on the Technical Standards and Procedures for LNG bunkering Singapore has taken a significant step forward in the development of the practical operational procedures and standards for Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) bunkering operations.The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) and its appointed consultant, Lloyd's Register, have completed its study on the Technical Standards and Procedures for LNG bunkering in the Port of Singapore. The study consolidated information that needs to be addressed before LNG bunkering can take place into five key areas as follows:LNG Bunkering Standards and Procedures within the Port's limitsTechnical Requirements and Specifications for LNG bunker tankers and receiving vessels with regard to transfer system, fittings and safety equipmentSafety Standards for LNG Bunkering operationsIdentification of Safety Exclusion Zones and Emergency ProceduresCompetency Standards for Personnel handling LNG bunkering Lloyd's Register will identify technical specifications, LNG bunkering procedures, and development of crew competency for LNG bunkering in the Port of Singapore, to support Singapore to develop the capability and infrastructure required in order to start supplying ships with LNG as fuel. LR will ensure MPA Singapore that the technical specifications of hardware are identified; the right operational procedures are established; port safety and ...

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