Tag: mooring

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Movement at berth due to ineffective moorings

The Master should determine an optimum mooring plan After completing loading operations our gas tanker's crew secured the ship's accommodation ladder. As a routine pre-sailing procedure, the terminal had rigged a temporary gangway from the shore for two representatives, who boarded to disconnect the loading arm.A large tanker passed our vessel, causing it to surge and sway away from the jetty by about two metres. The shore end of the gangway came away from the jetty and fell on top of taut mooring ropes (after backsprings). Immediately, our crew safely re-moored the vessel and the shore gangway was repositioned and secured. The gangway and loading arm were visually examined after the incident. Damage caused: The wire operating the counterweight of the loading arm was stretched during the incident and will need renewal; The triple swivel of the loading arm was found to be stuck after the incident and will need to be surveyed and repaired.Potential lossesThere was a risk of death/or serious injury to the terminal personnel if they happened to be on the gangway at the time of the incident; The loading arm will be out of service for some time, resulting in financial consequences for the terminal; The ...

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