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ICS supports a levy-based system rather an emissions trading scheme

It would be simpler to manage and more transparent The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), meeting in Hamburg last week, has decided that if market based measures to reduce CO2 emissions are developed by governments then the international industry has a definite preference for a mechanism that is levy/compensation fund-based rather than an emissions trading scheme.The meeting agreed that a levy-based system is the one that most shipping companies can live with in order to ensure a level playing field and the avoidance of serious market distortion. ICS has concluded that a levy-based system will be simpler to manage and more transparent.ICS Chairman, Spyros Polemis, said: The shipping industry has an instinctive dislike of unnecessary complication which will be the result of a system based on emissions trading.He added: Governments are looking for leadership from the shipping industry about the market based measures we prefer to help reduce CO2, and to raise money for any environmental compensation fund that might be developed by governments. The meeting of our member national associations agreed on an MBM which is levy-based. Such a system should be developed by IMO.An ICS statement emphasised the importance of ensuring that IMOs package of technical and operational ...

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Marshall Islands Oil Record Book Guidelines

Marine Guideline by the Republic of the Marshall Islands Marshall Islands Administration has issued the following attached Marine Guideline (MG), which concerns Oil Record Book Guidelines.The purpose of this Marine Guideline is to provide shipowners, ship operators, Masters and officers of Marshall Islands flagged vessels with guidance on the proper maintenance and keeping of an official Oil Record Book as required by MARPOL Annex I.This Guideline should also be used by Recognized Organizations when conducting statutory verification surveys.To view more, click hereSource: Republic of the Marshall Islands

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USCG Notice on MARPOL Annex V

Wider Caribbean Region Special Area The United States Coast Guard (USCG) announces the date for the entry into effect of discharge requirements from ships in the Wider Caribbean Region (WCR) special area (SA) as specified in the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) Annex V, Regulation 5 and Coast Guard regulations. MARPOL Annex V and the US regulations apply to vessel and reception facility activities in the WCR region.The date of entry for discharge requirements in the WCR SA as 1 May 2011 was adopted via IMO Resolution MEPC.191(60).The discharge restrictions are contained in 33 CFR 151.71 which reads in full as follows:(a) When a ship is located in a special area referenced in 151.53 of this part, no person may discharge garbage from the ship, except as allowed in paragraph (b) or (c) in this section.(b)Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, disposal into the sea of victual waste must be made as far as practicable from land but, in any case, not less than 12 nautical miles from the nearest land.(c)Disposal into the Wider Caribbean region of victual wastes which have been passed through a comminuter or grinder shall be made as ...

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MARPOL Annex V Wider Caribbean Region Special Area

Into effect on May 1 The US Coast Guard issued a notice announcing that, in accordance with IMO Res. MEPC.191(60), the restrictions on discharges from ships in the Wider Caribbean Region (WCR) special area (SA), as specified in MARPOL Annex V, Regulation 5, will come into effect on May 1, 2011.The WCR includes the Gulf of Mexico. Once the restrictions come into effect, no person may discharge, within the SA, garbage from a ship except (under limited conditions) food wastes.To view the Notice please click hereSource: USCG

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USCG requests feedback on fees related to the MARPOL Reception Facility Program

USCG requests feedback on fees related to the MARPOL Reception Facility Program Inspectors from U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) Sector Houston Facility met with officials from Intercontinental Terminals responsible for implementing their 33 CFR 158 Certificate of Adequacy (COA) (MARPOL Reception Facility Program).Discussions covered the process by which the facility implements their COA program. Intercontinental Terminals has a COA for Oil (Annex I), NLS (Annex II), and Garbage (Annex V) that expires on 7 November 2013 and the facility uses third parties to remove each of these wastes - solely using trucks.The USCG discussed the fees charged by the facility, and found that none were unreasonable or would cause a disincentive for ships requesting to depose of oil, NLS, or garbage waste. However the USCG is requesting feedback to validate this information.Source: US Coast Guard

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