Tag: maritime piracy

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A New Start for Released Hostages

Hostages from MV ICeberg 1 finally arrived home after over 1000 days in captivity "It was truly like being born again. We had given up hope and suddenly we were brought back to life," one of the surviving crew members of the MV ICEBERG 1 said as he was released on his birthday, after being held hostage for over 1000 days by pirates off the coast of Somalia.After almost three years in captivity, the hostages of the ship were set free in December 2012 and the UNPOS Counter Piracy Unit arranged for the repatriation of the crew members and flew to Bossaso on 30 December to receive them.For two years and nine months the 22 surviving hostages endured terrible treatment.Part of the crew had just joined the vessel two days prior to the hijacking, not knowing they would remain there for almost three years under miserable conditions. The crew was tortured and beaten on a regular basis. At times they had to resort to drinking salt water in order to survive and they were forced to work in life threatening conditions. One crew members had his ears cut off, another lost vision in one eye due to ruthless beatings and ...

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ReCAAP has issued its Annual Report for 2012

ere has been a marked improvement in the situation of piracy and armed robbery against ships The ReCAAP Information Sharing Centre has issued its Annual Report for January - December 2012. There has been a marked improvement in the situation of piracy and armed robbery against ships in Asia in 2012.A total of 132 incidents (123 actual and nine attempted incidents) were reported in 2012 compared to 157 incidents (135 actual and 22 attempted) reported in 2011, and 167 incidents (134 actual and 33 attempted) in 2010.Compared to 2011, this is a 16% decrease in the total number of incidents reported in 2012, the largest year-on-year decrease during the five year reporting period of 2008-2012.The decrease was more apparent at the ports and anchorages in Bangladesh and Vietnam, in the South China Sea and the Straits of Malacca and Singapore. While statistics shows a consecutive downward trend commencing from 2010, the total number of incidents reported in 2012 was still higher than 2008 and 2009, hence there is no room for complacency.Of the 132 incidents reported in 2012, seven were incidents of piracy occurred in the South China Sea, and 125 were armed robberies against ships.Overall, there is a decrease ...

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