Tag: Interviews

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Blue Planet Shipping: It is imperative to establish access to vaccines for every seafarer

Blue Planet Shipping announced that the entire crew of MV Afros has been vaccinated onboard with the USA/EU approved single dose Johnson & Jonhson vaccine. On the occasion, SAFETY4SEA contacted Mrs. Ioanna Vernardou, DPA / CSO, Blue Planet Shipping Safety Quality Environmental Department, to learn more about the vaccination process and spread the message across.

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ICS: Industry’s first priority is our seafarers

In an exclusive interview to SAFETY4SEA, Mr Guy Platten, Secretary General of ICS, refers to the current industry’s challenges due to COVID-19 and how the pandemic impacts seafarers, highlighting that they have always been the heart of shipping. During this ongoing crisis, we must first steer seafarers safely through the remainder of the pandemic, Mr Platten stated, highlighting that vaccinations against Covid-19 should start for all seafarers soonest possible as they are experiencing fatigue and distress after such extended periods at sea.

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Cyber threat is real: Making cyber security key priority is the first step

Mr. Ian Bramson, Global Head of Cyber Security, ABS Group of Companies Inc., highlights the importance of putting cyber security at the center of our attention, noting that the fact alone that IMO made cybersecurity part of the safety management audit underscores its importance for the industry. Living in a digital world, cyberattacks are more frequent, more severe, and more far reaching than ever. Continuing digitization is the biggest challenge because digitization and cybersecurity go hand in hand, he states.

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Svitzer: Towage sector has started to look closer at diversity

One of the key challenges for greater gender diversity in shipping is all about perception, says Mrs Alison Taylor, Europe Crew Training Manager at Svitzer, in an exclusive interview to SAETY4SEA. Mrs Taylor explains how her organization supports diversity and inclusion which are currently key areas of development for the whole maritime industry and equally for the towage sector, which has started to look closer at diversity and how it can positively impact the lives of female seafarers both onboard and ashore.

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