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Revised Guidance on the recording of operations in the Oil Record Book (ORB)

To correct a number of clerical mistakes within the initial guidance MEPC.1/Circ.736 Members are advised that IMO has issued revised guidance for the recording of operations in the ORB. The reason for the amendment was to correct a number of clerical mistakes within the initial guidance MEPC.1/Circ.736 which is now revoked. A copy of the revised guidance can be seen here.However, please be advised that for reasons we do not understand at this time, the IMO Secretariat has changed the recording format of the dates to "dd/mm/yyyy" (the original guidance used the format "dd-MONTH-yyyy").To add to the confusion, the third bullet point of the General Guidance in MEPC.1/Circ.736/Rev.1 now reads as follows: "Dates should be entered in dd/mm/yyyy format, e.g. 16-MAR-2009".Please notify your ships about this inconsistency and the change in format. It is a clerical issue which can be explained by the crew as long as they are made aware of the conflicting guidelines IMO has issued.The INTERTANKO Secretariat has approach the IMO Secretariat for clarification on this matter.Source : INTERTANKO

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Dire tanker rates give cause for concern

If these rate levels continue, oil industry will be threatended At last week's INTERTANKO's Council Members meeting, deep concern was expressed over the current parlous state of tanker market rates."If these rate levels continue for a long period, then this could lead to a situation where sustainability of the oil transportation industry is threatened," said INTERTANKO's chairman, Capt Graham Westgarth, who was re-elected as chairman for another two years."Our members operate tankers to the highest standards and will continue to do so. Operating for a prolonged period in an environment where tanker owners are not even covering their operating costs is obviously not a situation that can be maintained," he said.Turning to the problem of reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) from tankers, the committee welcomed the adoption by IMO of amendments to the MARPOL Convention mandating energy efficiency measures (EEDI/SEEMP regulations) on vessels.The meeting advocated that:In the implementation of the EEDI requirements, there should be a 'level playing field' and that the EEDI requirements should apply equally to all ships on the same effective date.Compliance with EEDI should focus on improved hull design, propulsion efficiency and energy optimisation, rather than predominantly on reduced speed designs.Any measures taken to comply with ...

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IMO Review of the requirements for the carriage of antidotes

IMO Sub-Committee on Dangerous Goods, Solid Cargoes and Containers The IMO Sub-Committee on Dangerous Goods, Solid Cargoes and Containers (DSC) during meeting earlier this month reviewed the documents (DSC 16/3/21 and DSC 16/INF.6), as submitted by INTERTANKO, proposing a revision to the requirements for the carriage of antidotes within the Medical First Aid Guide (MFAG).INTERTANKO provided a clinical case study on 144 incidents of accidental exposure which underlined the view that the earlier the antidote is administered, the faster the victim will recover.INTERTANKO also stated that there have been documented cases of incidents that have occurred since the last revision of the MFAG in 1998. These incidents serve as examples to illustrate scenarios such as where antidotes have been available onboard and administered promptly, and the casualty survived; and where the antidote was not available and the casualty died, despite the victim being airlifted for hospital treatment. These examples were taken from 1999, 2007 and 2009.While there was support for the INTERTANKO proposal from the industry (ITF; IFSMA & NI) and the Philippines, delegates from member states (Germany, Norway, France, Finland, UK and Cook Islands), on the basis of the advice provided to them by their medical experts, held the ...

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Guidance on the construction and use of citadels

The document has received approval from Round Table members Industry has produced a set of guidelines aimed at giving guidance on the construction and use of citadels in waters affected by Somalia piracy. The document has received approval from Round Table members - INTERTANKO, BIMCO, ICS and INTERCARGO - as well as other industry associations. NATO, EUNAVFOR and the Combined Maritime Force (CMF) have also approved the document.A citadel as defined in BMP4 is "A designated pre-planned area purpose built into the ship where, in the event of imminent boarding by pirates, all crew will seek protection. A citadel is designed and constructed to resist a determined pirate trying to gain entry for a fixed period of time."Since January 2010, there have been 26 cases where pirates have actually boarded vessels, but have been unable to take control because the vessel's crew have all successfully sought refuge in a pre-planned citadel. However, there have also been five cases where citadels have been breached - these may be attributed to a number of factors including poor construction and location of the citadel. With the use of citadels increasing, the pirates have similarly gained experience in defeating a citadel - this includes ...

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New York State ballast water extension request- deadline 30 September

The purpose of the extension was to allow vessel operators additional time for evaluation INTERTANKO reported that the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) had extended the deadline for filing extension requests for new vessels that are constructed on or after 1 January 2013 to install ballast water treatment systems. The extension is from 30 June 2011 to 30 September 2011.Following on from this, and after requests from Members, a standard letter template has been developed for Members to use in requesting exemption from the implementation of the requirements for new vessels constructed after 1 January 2013. AThe purpose of the extension was to allow vessel operators, who may be requesting an extension, additional time to evaluate several soon-to-be-issued scientific and regulatory documents and studies. These are summarised in a letter template (see below) and provide justification for granting an exemption for vessels constructed after January 1 2013 from these stringent discharge requirements.The main basis for this exemption request is the EPA's Science Advisory Board report which concludes that current ballast water treatment systems would have to be wholly changed to be able to meet the 1000x IMO discharge standards. Furthermore, the EPA study concludes that, even with ...

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Best practice guidance on internet access for crew on board ships

By INTERTANKO's Human Element in Shipping Committee Increasing numbers of ship owners are realising the importance of providing internet access to crews, with access on board ships now widely regarded as a key component in the attraction of new entrants to the profession. Such provision also helps with the retention of existing staff.INTERTANKO's Human Element in Shipping Committee (HEiSC), which is chaired by John Adams of Teekay, has created a best practice guide to assist Members who may be considering installing a shipboard internet system for crew use.Internet-equipped vessels are now commonplace in today's world of shipping thanks to continuously developing technology, which has made shipboard internet an affordable option for many companies.The feeling is that the modern generation of seafarer is accustomed to a world which is always connected, and where internet access and the use of social networking sites are a major part of everyday life. The prospect of not being able to readily communicate with the outside world has become highly unappealing to the vast majority of today's seafarers. For these reasons, if managed correctly, shipboard internet can have many benefits, both from a commercial and crew welfare perspective.This best practice guide is designed to provide practical ...

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Global Shipping Industy calls for UN armed force against Somali pirates

ICS, BIMCO, INTERTANKO and INTERCARGO demand a The global shipping industry (represented by the Round Table of international shipping associations) has called for the establishment of a United Nations force of armed military guards to tackle the piracy crisis in the Indian Ocean, which it says is spiralling out of control.In a hard hitting letter to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), BIMCO, INTERTANKO and INTERCARGO demand a "bold new strategy" to curb rising levels of piracy which have resulted in the Indian Ocean resembling "the wild west".The letter states: "It is now abundantly clear to shipping companies that the current situation, whereby control of the Indian Ocean has been ceded to pirates, requires a bold new strategy. To be candid, the current approach is not working."Regretting the increasing necessity for shipping companies to employ private armed guards to protect crew and ships, the letter continues: "It seems inevitable that lawlessness ashore in Somalia will continue to breed lawlessness at sea."The shipping industry organisations - which represent more than 90% of the world merchant fleet - say they fully support the UN's long-term measures on shore aimed at helping the Somali people but are concerned that ...

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INTERTANKO issues Safety Alert regarding illegally produced alchohol

To encourage raising awareness of the dangers INTERTANKO has been advised from a verified source that, tragically, the industry continues to experience a number of incidents involving fatalities attributable to alcohol poisoning. The purpose of this Safety Alert is to highlight this disturbing trend and encourage raising awareness of the dangers associated with: the consumption of alcohol purchased from dubious sources; the unlawful production of illicit alcoholic liquors. Alcohol poisoning is a condition where the alcohol content in a person's blood increases to an extent where it hampers the normal functioning of the central nervous system. Acute alcohol poisoning is triggered by excessive consumption of alcohol in a short period of time. When this occurs the individual is in great danger unless medical treatment is administered in a timely fashion.There have also been a number of cases, where illegally produced alcohol such as methyl alcohol (methanol) has been secretly obtained from unreliable sources, resulting in death for those who have consumed the product. Methanol, like many other toxic alcohols, has a smell very similar to ethyl alcohol found in alcoholic beverages such as beer, wine and spirits. It is used as a solvent, as a glass cleaner, and also in ...

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Norway fails to persuade IMO for changes on Bunker Delivery Notes

MEPC finalises NOx Code work Norway failed in its bid to persuade the IMOs Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 62) that more parameters should be included on Bunker Delivery Notes (BDN). With strong support from Intertanko, tried to revive a move that had already been rejected by the IMOs Bulk, Liquids and Gases Sub-committee and was widely seen as requiring pre-testing of bunkers.The UK and other countries proposed the move and MEPC chairman Andreas Chrysostomou said that MEPC had clearly said no to the proposal.Among several other emissions related measure approved, the MEPC adopted Guidelines for reception facilities under MARPOL Annex VI and Guidelines addressing additional aspects to the NOx Technical Code 2008 with regard to particular requirements related to marine diesel engines fitted with selective catalytic reduction (SCR) systems.The MEPC also approved, for future adoption, draft amendments to the NOx Technical Code 2008, relating to engines not pre-certified on a test bed and to NOx-reducing devices. It also agreed terms of reference for the review of the status of technological developments to implement the Tier III NOx emission standard.The MEPC agreed a work plan on addressing the impact in the Arctic of Black Carbon emissions from ships and instructed ...

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OCIMF and Intertanko believe they can help cut 40% of CO₂ emissions

Tanker professionals launch Virtual Arrival The Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF) and Intertanko believe they can help cut 40% of CO₂ emissions in EU Maritime Transport by 2050 though a "sustainable emissions management framework".Key to the proposal is Virtual Arrival - a voyage management optimisation and vessel emission reduction tool developed together by the two industry bodies in collaboration with the European Union.Virtual Arrival is a process that involves making an agreement to reduce a vessel's speed on voyage to meet a revised arrival time when there is a known delay at the discharge port. Reducing the vessel's speed will have a direct impact on fuel consumption, reduce emissions from the ship, improve safety and environmental concerns connected to congestion in ports and get the right amount of cargo to the right port at the right time. This results in a reduction in emissions but not in the delivered cargo capacity.Before a vessel's departure from the load port, or while en route to the discharge port when a delay is identified at the discharge port, for example due to lack of receiving space, a mutual agreement is made between two (or more) parties to adapt the ship's arrival time ...

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