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ICS Identifies Lessons from Somali Piracy

During the period from 2007 to 2013 The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), the principal global trade association for shipowners, has issued a paper drawing upon the international shipping industry's experience of Somali-based piracy during the period 2007 to 2013."The intention is to identify lessons learned in order to shape future policy responses, wherever in the world they might be needed," explained ICS Secretary General, Peter Hinchliffe.The ICS paper has been submitted to the International Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia (which was established in response to a United Nations Security Council Resolution) and by all accounts the ICS paper has been well received by governments.ICS has produced its paper following a dramatic reduction in the number of successful attacks against ships by Somali pirates, currently at a five-year low thanks to the combined success of sustained compliance with industry Best Management Practices (BMP), the use of private maritime security companies, the activity of military assets and new capacity building initiatives ashore.Despite this, it remains the case that the pirates are active and retain the capacity to attack far into the Indian Ocean. ICS therefore continues to emphasise that it is premature to conclude that the crisis ...

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ICS latest flag state performance table takes into account of ILO MLC

Latest ICS table requires flag states to have ratified the ILO MLC for positive indicator The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has launched its latest 'Shipping Industry Flag State Performance Table'ICS Director External Relations, Simon Bennett explained: "The ICS table is intended to encourage shipowners to maintain a dialogue with their flag administrations to help bring about any improvements that might be necessary in the interests of safety, the environment and decent working conditions."Following the entry into force of the ILO Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) in August 2013, the latest ICS table now requires flag states to have ratified the ILO MLC in order to receive a positive indicator."The level of ratification of this important new ILO Convention as of the end of December is impressive," said Mr Bennett. "However, those flag states that have not yet ratified the MLC but had previously ratified ILO Convention 147, have now received a negative indicator on our table with respect to ILO standards for the first time. But we hope and expect this situation to change this year as more and more flags finalise ratification of this core Convention before PSC enforcement of the MLC begins in earnest this August."Minor changes have ...

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ICS calls for PSC understanding on Seafarer Security Training

Security training certification becomes mandatory for seafarers from 1 January 2014 The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has raised concerns with governments about preparations worldwide for issuing tens of thousands of seafarers with new certificates for security-related training by 1 January, as required by the 2010 amendments to the IMO Convention on Standards of Training Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW 2010).In a written submission to IMO, ICS has suggested that IMO Member States might give consideration to the possibility of an extended "grace period" with respect to Port State Control enforcement of the new certification required under STCW 2010.STCW 2010, Regulation VI/6, stipulates mandatory minimum requirements for security-related instruction for all seafarers, which, where relevant - such as for Ship Security Officers as defined by the ISPS Code - requires certificates of proficiency to be issued by administations to seafarers from 1 January 2014.Since the amendments were adopted, ICS has gone to great lengths to advise shipping companies of the transitional measures for these new requirements, as set out in Section A-VI/6 of the STCW Code, which are different to those concerning the transitional measures that apply to other changes introduced by STCW 2010 and which are being phased ...

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